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Council tenants subsidising property owners.

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2000 labour hours in a year for a full time worker.


Less than 1000 hours of labour in a 3bed council house, including production of build materials.


Rents for a minimum wage worker consume a good third of income. Thats 666 labour hours a year.


Over 50 years, one will pay the equivalent of just over 33000 hours of labour in rent.


These labour hours converted into currency and injected into the economy find their way into house prices. And property owners gain, whilst doing nothing.


Council tenants (even those with spare bedrooms) subsidise property owners.


Council tenants are paying over the odds, and idle property owners are getting rich off of the backs of council tenants.


This subsidy needs to end. Property owners should put into the system instead of take out. Property owners are the true welfare scroungers.

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Why hate on anyone for buying a house.? Everyone has a choice in life bud...


I don't hate them, but they are being subsidised by council tenants, they are essentially welfare scroungers, because government directs welfare towards house prices.


They shouldn't be getting these generous benefits at the expense of council tenants being who are being forced to pay through the nose.

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It's the council tenants choice to rent though.. They can always save like a lot of people do and buy their own house if they feel hard done by... We don't live in a commie state bud..... Nothing wrong with having something to pass onto your kids hey...

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2000 labour hours in a year for a full time worker.


Less than 1000 hours of labour in a 3bed council house, including production of build materials.


Rents for a minimum wage worker consume a good third of income. Thats 666 labour hours a year.


Over 50 years, one will pay the equivalent of just over 33000 hours of labour in rent.


These labour hours converted into currency and injected into the economy find their way into house prices. And property owners gain, whilst doing nothing.


Council tenants (even those with spare bedrooms) subsidise property owners.


Council tenants are paying over the odds, and idle property owners are getting rich off of the backs of council tenants.


This subsidy needs to end. Property owners should put into the system instead of take out. Property owners are the true welfare scroungers.


So lets have the source for your facts please :)


Let us know what percentage of council tenants claim housing benefit and so are being subsidised by taxpayers.

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So lets have the source for your facts please :)


Let us know what percentage of council tenants claim housing benefit and so are being subsidised by taxpayers.


I can't be bothered to get them, as the thread may be removed and it could be a waste of me time.


Off top of my head, nationwide, 2/3s on benefit, average rent of £90.


So we could reduce figure, and say on average council tenant pays 11000 labour hours in rent inbetween claims.


Still pays for their council house more than 11 times over and subsidises property owners.

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I can't be bothered to get them, as the thread may be removed and it could be a waste of me time.


Off top of my head, nationwide, 2/3s on benefit, average rent of £90.


So we could reduce figure, and say on average council tenant pays 11000 labour hours in rent inbetween claims.


Still pays for their council house more than 11 times over and subsidises property owners.


Source - not out the top of head.


How can someone on benefits subsidise a taxpayer - answer please.

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Source - not out the top of head.


How can someone on benefits subsidise a taxpayer - answer please.


Because they're not always on benefits, and when not on benefits they pay way over odds for housing.

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