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Toilet seat up or down when flushing

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Earlier this week I read this in a magazine - I had no idea that using the flush is supposed to spread germs via droplets of water. I am wondering where that research came from. Anyway, just in case the research is correct, it is worth doing but I imagine it will take time to get into the habit.

Just to be clear - the recommendation is that you put the lid down before the flush.

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Put it down. I saw a programme on TV that showed slow motion footage of a toilet flushed with the lid up. The force of the flush projected water and particulate several metres across the room. After that I always put the lid down.

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Not to detract from the importance of infection control in hospitals, and for the immunocompromised elsewhere, but a reminder here that

*. Be sensible (don't go licking the toilet bowl), but don't get too carried away.



*Disclaimer: this is not a Nature paper...

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You need a few germs to keep your immune system strong.


That depends. The OP was talking about people in hospital.


I'm nearly half-way through a massive course of antibiotics (in a hospital) and I can assure you that the last thing I need is 'a few germs to keep my immune system strong.'


It was a few germs which put me here in the first place.

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