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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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Why do you have a right to know about it?


Just because an agency handles classified materials and doesn't talk about what it does does not mean that it is not supervised, nor does it suggest it is unaccountable.


People are indeed watching the watchers.


We have every right to know on a number of levels. Our taxes are used to pay for it. We also have a right to know how our personal data is used, stored and processed.

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We have every right to know on a number of levels. Our taxes are used to pay for it. We also have a right to know how our personal data is used, stored and processed.


Then get in touch with credit card and credit rating companies like Equifax. They'll be able to tell you everything you want to know :D

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So the electorate should be kept fully abreast of all aspects of the war on terror because this is really what it's about... fully accountable even when terrorist groups change their ways of planning, operations which they continually do

Sanctimonious misguided individuals like you must be a great comfort to them.


Let's say for the sake of argument that secret government surveillance has gone too far, whatever that is to you. If you think it has already, fine, if you don't, imagine a hypothetical scenario in which you do. Let's say the people at the top of government, from all major political parties, are ok with it.


What now? How do you go back? People can't vote for a politician who would change it because they don't know its happening.

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Let's say for the sake of argument that secret government surveillance has gone too far, whatever that is to you. If you think it has already, fine, if you don't, imagine a hypothetical scenario in which you do. Let's say the people at the top of government, from all major political parties, are ok with it.


What now? How do you go back? People can't vote for a politician who would change it because they don't know its happening.


Highly unlikely in a democracy and a multi party political system. There would always be someone in the opposition who would be prepared to yell "enough is enough"

That's the difference between people who work in democracy and those who just carry a rubber stamp.... like the late Soviet Presidium for example

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Highly unlikely in a democracy and a multi party political system. There would always be someone in the opposition who would be prepared to yell "enough is enough"

That's the difference between people who work in democracy and those who just carry a rubber stamp.... like the late Soviet Presidium for example



Like Snowden perhaps?

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in a democracy and a multi party political system. There would always be someone in the opposition who would be prepared to yell "enough is enough"


Kinda tricky when the spooks lie to them about what they are up to.

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Highly unlikely in a democracy and a multi party political system. There would always be someone in the opposition who would be prepared to yell "enough is enough"

That's the difference between people who work in democracy and those who just carry a rubber stamp.... like the late Soviet Presidium for example


Let's say for the sake of argument that secret government surveillance has gone too far, whatever that is to you. If you think it has already, fine, if you don't, imagine a hypothetical scenario in which you do. Let's say the people at the top of government, from all major political parties, are ok with it.


What now? How do you go back? People can't vote for a politician who would change it because they don't know its happening.

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My Bold=

Do you have a link to back this claim up or is this the story put together by the USA to make him out to be a bad guy?


Do you think they'll let him out of Russia without a chat with the FSB first?


You realise Russia & China play the same sort of spy games as the USA & UK? Other countries do the same things too. I never realised this was news to any people.


Every country that can possibly spy on another country does it whenever they can. That is how it's always been & it wont change because of a bit of publicity about it.

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