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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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It appears that Prism has been used to spy on Germany and the Germans are not at all amused.
Neither are the other European nations concerned (which is most of them), nor the EU institutions and their heads (many of whom have now called for an immediate suspension of the new transatlantic trade agreement talks...to begin with). Particularly since some of the US documents in question (allegedly-) clearly state that the countries are to be considered "enemies to be spied upon".


Talk about a (global-/real life-) popcorn thread...this is going to be interesting :twisted:


So big a deal (at the Nation State/realpolitik level) that it almost makes me wonder if it's not a false-flag op/maskirovka by the US, with an ulterior motive we've yet to suss out.

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News this morning is that Snowden would be given asylum in Russia but on condition that he reveal no more secrets. This must have come about as a result of high level talks between US and Russian officials. But then our boy changed his mind about asylum in Russia and withdrew his request. I imagine like the spolied brat in a candy store he wants to create as much mayhem as possible and continue to leak all that he knows irresepective of how this may sometime down the road have ramifications which are yet unknown.

He's screwed however as he no longer has a passport, cannot seek asylum in any country which might consider it as they require that he be physically present in that country or at least be inside one of their embassies.

I can see why this pasty faced pretty boy is so anxious not to be extradicted back to the States though.

Somewhere in some high security jail a lonely bubba must be dreaming of someone like him :hihi:


---------- Post added 02-07-2013 at 16:54 ----------

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BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23145887 currently reports his prospects thus:


Asylum requests

Rejected: Austria, Brazil, Finland, India, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland

Withdrawn: Russia

Pending: Bolivia, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Nicaragua

Unconfirmed: France, Venezuela

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BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23145887 currently reports his prospects thus:


Asylum requests

Rejected: Austria, Brazil, Finland, India, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland

Withdrawn: Russia

Pending: Bolivia, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Nicaragua

Unconfirmed: France, Venezuela


There is a Venezuelan government official in Moscow for trade talks. The news said that it's possible that Snowden may be allowed to fly to Venezuela in company with the official.


Has Sheffield city council offered him asylum yet?

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Hey Harleyman, I see you're still active in this thread, so I guess you must've just missed that question I've asked you twice now, because I know you wouldn't avoid a tricky question, it's not in your nature. So I'm going to try asking one more time:


What exactly about his version of what led him to become a whistle-blower do you find unbelievable?


"When you're in positions of privileged access like a systems administrator for the sort of intelligence community agencies, you're exposed to a lot more information on a broader scale then the average employee and because of that you see things that may be disturbing but over the course of a normal person's career you'd only see one or two of these instances. When you see everything you see them on a more frequent basis and you recognize that some of these things are actually abuses. And when you talk to people about them in a place like this where this is the normal state of business people tend not to take them very seriously and move on from them."


"But over time that awareness of wrongdoing sort of builds up and you feel compelled to talk about. And the more you talk about the more you're ignored. The more you're told its not a problem until eventually you realize that these things need to be determined by the public and not by somebody who was simply hired by the government."

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There is a Venezuelan government official in Moscow for trade talks. The news said that it's possible that Snowden may be allowed to fly to Venezuela in company with the official.


Has Sheffield city council offered him asylum yet?

All the people on here who consider him a hero or a victim should pass the hat around to buy him a ticket to your sceptered isle, this other Eden, and find him a spare Palace.
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