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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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He has gained nothing and will be forgotten within a month.


Bet he's regretting it now.


Regretting it? Nah! :hihi: What could be better than living in the transit terminal of a Russian airport and no passport to boot?

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I remember years ago when you traveled by air you checked in your bags at the airline counter, they gave you a ticket, you went to the departuer lounge accompained by friends or family there to see you off and that was it.

When you had to go into a public building you didnt have to empty your pockets and go through a scanner.


We've all lost freedoms and personal privacy we took for granted but if it means I'm guaranteed a safe flight then what price is too high?


But it doesn't ensure a safe flight.


He who can give up essential liberty for the illusion of temporary security shall not enjoy or deserve either liberty or security as Franklin once said.


You've reaped that - you have lost your liberty to some extent but you havent gained any more security.


Let's have a look at something else... I'm sure you will recognise it...


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Liberty in all forms is as apple pie as the Declaration of Independance.... I'm amazed you give up something so valuable for something so little.



That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,



I'll bet most of the people being wiretapped without due cause - and in contravention of "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause" didn't consent to these unjust and excessive powers being used.



That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government



The Founding Fathers make it clear - it is your duty to rise against your Government and abolish it for one more fitting - so what are you doing about it?

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How are you defining safest airline ?


Safest in the sense that it is on record as having the best and most efficient security system of any airline. As far as mechanical safety is concerned I dont remember hearing about El Al passenger planes having any accidents.


In a recent survey of US airlines Alaska Airlines came out on top for passenger satisfaction. I flew Alaska to Seattle last year. Wasnt able to see anything special however to warrant that claim

They dont serve free food. Bought a hot egg and sauasge bagel to keep the hunger at bay and they charged over six dollars for it :o

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Safest in the sense that it is on record as having the best and most efficient security system of any airline. As far as mechanical safety is concerned I dont remember hearing about El Al passenger planes having any accidents.


El Al flight 1862 was a bit messy though. But that's ok, it wasnt a passenger plane. I'm sure the 40+ that died feel comforted by that

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But it doesn't ensure a safe flight.


He who can give up essential liberty for the illusion of temporary security shall not enjoy or deserve either liberty or security as Franklin once said.


You've reaped that - you have lost your liberty to some extent but you havent gained any more security.


Let's have a look at something else... I'm sure you will recognise it...




Liberty in all forms is as apple pie as the Declaration of Independance.... I'm amazed you give up something so valuable for something so little.






I'll bet most of the people being wiretapped without due cause - and in contravention of "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause" didn't consent to these unjust and excessive powers being used.






The Founding Fathers make it clear - it is your duty to rise against your Government and abolish it for one more fitting - so what are you doing about it?


Explain then why slavery still existed? The founding fathers were men of vision, their ideals admirable but dont stick them on too high a pedestal. In the light of 21st century ideals they could be said to be somewhat flawed.

It took another 75 years, a war, almost 450,000 lives to finally get it right

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Explain then why slavery still existed? The founding fathers were men of vision, their ideals admirable but dont stick them on too high a pedestal. In the light of 21st century ideals they could be said to be somewhat flawed.

It took another 75 years, a war, almost 450,000 lives to finally get it right


I'm sorry, but you answer my questions first then I'll consider answering yours thanks.

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As seen as Finnair, Air New Zealand and Cathay Pacific have never had a hull loss or any deaths, you could say they are safer airlines than El Al, who have lost a aircraft back in 1992 when it crashed shortly after takeoff from Amsterdam.


An El Al flight has been high jacked in the past. You could say Virgin Atlantic or Easyjet are safer because non of their aircraft have been high jacked.

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El Al flight 1862 was a bit messy though. But that's ok, it wasnt a passenger plane. I'm sure the 40+ that died feel comforted by that


I have no idea what happened on El Al flight 1862. I only go on what I hear on the media and publsihed opinions by people far more in the know than myself.

If by chance you meant the attack on an El Al airline counter at LAX back in the 80s then such things can happen since crystal balls dont exist but they learn from these happenings. If they didnt then we'd all be in trouble.


I would fly El Al anytime without so much as a second thought

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