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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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You keep leaving out the 'without probable cause' part, why is that?



Yeah, I'd like to hear the answer to "why is that" too, preferably without the patriotic viciousness of the hawkish right mentality. HM is so arrogantly self centred that any questioning of policy by whomever is seen as a personal slur on his choice of residency.


The reality is that people are concerned, you have to be if you have a concern for global politics, especially if you're talking about a country with so much clout. Trouble with harleyman is he thinks it's about him.


Delusion and grandeur spring to mind.


Good luck with the question though.

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I wonder what would happen if Edward Snowden had revealed plans by the American authorities to ban private ownership of guns? On the one hand he's a threat to the nation's security, but on the other he's revealing stuff the American public want to know... My guess is they'd end up like a buttered cat paradox :hihi:


That's a really good question actually, if any of our US members want to tackle it.


What would you do if a US government employee who'd sworn an oath of secrecy became a whistleblower and divulged the Obama administrations plans to revoke your 2nd amendment rights?


Would he be a traitor then?


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 01:14 ----------


Yeah, I'd like to hear the answer to "why is that" too, preferably without the patriotic viciousness of the hawkish right mentality. HM is so arrogantly self centred that any questioning of policy by whomever is seen as a personal slur on his choice of residency.
It's extremely rare that Harleyman actually answers the questions I put to him, that's usually when I know I've got him. And I'm not sure it's arrogance but the part in bold is certainly true.
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That's a really good question actually, if any of our US members want to tackle it.


What would you do if a US government employee who'd sworn an oath of secrecy became a whistleblower and divulged the Obama administrations plans to revoke your 2nd amendment rights?


Would he be a traitor then?


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 01:14 ----------


It's extremely rare that Harleyman actually answers the questions I put to him, that's usually when I know I've got him. And I'm not sure it's arrogance but the part in bold is certainly true.


Didnt answer your last question because I played 18 holes earlier on and then went for a couple of beers. Some of us have other things to do than sit at a keyboard all day.


I asked you a question about freelance terrorists to which you replied with a question asking do they communicate with terrorist groups. Well who knows the answer to that.

It's known however that Al Qaeda since 9/11 has morphed into splinter groups which are not directed from a central leadership. These splinter groups plan their own attacks.

There are also the freelancers such as the Russian brothers in the US on student visas who carried out the Boston bombings. Another one was major Hassan US Army who gunned down 13 of his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood and later admitted that he had become radicalized through Jihadist websites.


I believe there will be other attacks in the future carried out by individuals or very small groups some on the same level or greater such as the murder of the soldier in Woolwich by another person who became radicalized through a website. This is just the tip of the iceberg


Why is it whever an atrocity of any kind is carried out, including school shootings that the first thing ivestigators do is seize that person's computer?

There's a wealth of knowledge that can be gleaned from computer history which quite often is not deleted by the owner. This applies to phone records. If it does anything to save lives then it's justified.

Fore knowlege is forearmed


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 03:14 ----------


Yeah, I'd like to hear the answer to "why is that" too, preferably without the patriotic viciousness of the hawkish right mentality. HM is so arrogantly self centred that any questioning of policy by whomever is seen as a personal slur on his choice of residency.


The reality is that people are concerned, you have to be if you have a concern for global politics, especially if you're talking about a country with so much clout. Trouble with harleyman is he thinks it's about him.


Delusion and grandeur spring to mind.


Good luck with the question though.


I'm concerned about the rights and equality of Muslim girls and women. I asked you a question about that already but as usual you and others like you on this forum suddenly develop an acute case of myopia

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Didnt answer your last question because I played 18 holes earlier on and then went for a couple of beers. Some of us have other things to do than sit at a keyboard all day.
And yet, you still haven't answered it, despite having the time to make a nice long post.


No I really don't buy it anymore Harley, almost every single intertaction I have with you ends with me asking a hard question and you ignoring.


It's happened twice on this thread already, once the other day and once about a week ago with a completely different question (that was also too hard for you).


I asked you a question about freelance terrorists to which you replied with a question asking do they communicate with terrorist groups.
No, I didn't. I didn't respond at all. And besides, that post of yours asking that question (which someone else answered, not me) was in response to a question I had asked which you avoided, again.


Where do you get the nerve to expect me to answer your questions when you so bloody-mindedly avoid all of mine?


I do have an answer to your question by the way (a direct one that doesn't avoid it), but I really don't see why I should play fair when you refuse to.


It's not that you don't read my posts, it's not that you don't have time, it's not that you refuse to engage with me on princicple, you're always perfectly happy to respond right up until I get to the crux of my argument, it's that you're a coward, and don't have the guts to face up to hard questions.


Grow some balls.

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I'm concerned about the rights and equality of Muslim girls and women. I asked you a question about that already but as usual you and others like you on this forum suddenly develop an acute case of myopia


Of course you are, or is it cynicism which justifies troops on the ground, or US covert involvement in sovereign states. You'll be telling us next you'll be advocating a turnaround in military policy and championing against the withdrawal of US forces in order that Muslim girls and women can feel safe and that's the real reason they're there.


More importantly though..what has the rights and equality of these specific women have to do with the question 'without probable cause' you've consistently ignored.

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Harleyman served in Vietnam and made excuses on here about the My Lai massacre in which many women and girls were gang-raped and murdered by US soldiers. Only one US soldier was ever convicted, something Harleyman delights in. He comes on here and posts in support of the country with the largest number of mass-murdering scumbags in the world and tries to seize the moral high ground in return for whatever the US state pays him. Let him embarrass himself and his paymasters.

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Harleyman served in Vietnam and made excuses on here about the My Lai massacre in which many women and girls were gang-raped and murdered by US soldiers. Only one US soldier was ever convicted, something Harleyman delights in. He comes on here and posts in support of the country with the largest number of mass-murdering scumbags in the world and tries to seize the moral high ground in return for whatever the US state pays him. Let him embarrass himself and his paymasters.


You'd be a funny fellow if you werent so dumb. You dont know a damned thing about me. You are quite obviously an old Marxist-Trotsky-ite with a constant bee in his bonnet about America and yet you accuse me of being fixated and one track minded ..........hypocrite.


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 22:16 ----------


Of course you are, or is it cynicism which justifies troops on the ground, or US covert involvement in sovereign states. You'll be telling us next you'll be advocating a turnaround in military policy and championing against the withdrawal of US forces in order that Muslim girls and women can feel safe and that's the real reason they're there.


More importantly though..what has the rights and equality of these specific women have to do with the question 'without probable cause' you've consistently ignored.


I want an answer from you as to when your women can expect to become emancipated with full equal rights? This IS the 21st century you know

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What's wrong with Marxism Harleyman?


Could you even begin to articulate any kind of cogent argument?


Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm a Marxist by asking this question. I simply want to measure your understanding.

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And yet, you still haven't answered it, despite having the time to make a nice long post.


No I really don't buy it anymore Harley, almost every single intertaction I have with you ends with me asking a hard question and you ignoring.


It's happened twice on this thread already, once the other day and once about a week ago with a completely different question (that was also too hard for you).


No, I didn't. I didn't respond at all. And besides, that post of yours asking that question (which someone else answered, not me) was in response to a question I had asked which you avoided, again.


Where do you get the nerve to expect me to answer your questions when you so bloody-mindedly avoid all of mine?


I do have an answer to your question by the way (a direct one that doesn't avoid it), but I really don't see why I should play fair when you refuse to.


It's not that you don't read my posts, it's not that you don't have time, it's not that you refuse to engage with me on princicple, you're always perfectly happy to respond right up until I get to the crux of my argument, it's that you're a coward, and don't have the guts to face up to hard questions.


Grow some balls.


Basically all you've done on this thread is spout quotations from Jefferson and others and praised the actions of a miserable traitor.

You're a squawker.. a chicken little kind of character who screams doom and gloom about the collapse of liberty and freedom because the government has requested phone records of a few million people.Are you stupid ernough to believe that little men wearing gray suits are going to sit there sifting through millions of records and wasting valuable time just to keep tabs on every one of us? How bloody naive can you get? There must be computers that can scan several hundred thousand every 30 seconds and flag phone calls and E-mails that are lengthy and were between certain countries of interest ie those where terrorists operate from.


Maybe though they should just have pulled the records of everyone who sounded middle eastern. It wasnt done because it's a democracy and the days of targeting minority groups have become rightfully contrary to democratic priniples


As far as monitoring correspondence in the UK matters it's too bad that it wasnt done at Finsbury Park mosque and perhaps Richard Reid would have been denied a visa to the US. How many more Finsbury Parks are there in the UK? I'll bet M.I.6 is keeping tabs on a lot of stuff going on there which is probably why there hasnt been a repeat of 7/7.


I dont know what you've got slung between your legs matey but you need to come down to earth and quit going into hysterics and blatting on about loss of liberty. You suffer from opiniated arrogance. I made the mistake of getting into a discussion about what Jefferson would have thought or done in this situation which i should never have. You on the other hand are of the mind set that if you believe it yourself it must be so. That attitude on your part has been amply displayed on threads about religion.


Nothing is conclusive until it is proven. Get that into your head once and for all


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 23:09 ----------


What's wrong with Marxism Harleyman?


Could you even begin to articulate any kind of cogent argument?


Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm a Marxist by asking this question. I simply want to measure your understanding.


I've never studied the subject or been interested in it since the philosophy while appealing to some has no real practical purpose in the real 21st century world. If it had... 75 percent of the world would be living in Marxist type societies already


Le Maquis is typical of the those old ghosts who still linger around. They cant purge their brainwashed ideas learned at an early age. He hates America and all things American because he's been brainwashed into believing the propaganda that his mentors spouted in his ears at an impressionable age

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