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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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Maybe then you just hate Americans because they were among the WW2 victors :hihi: :hihi:

At least after WW2 the Yanks didnt leave your lot to the tender mercies of the Russians


:huh:I don't hate Americans. I don't have a lot of time for pretendy ones, with the exception of showing them for the pretendy ones they are though..."grandpappy" :hihi::hihi::hihi:


WW2, Russians, victors? Is there anything within your limited lateral thinking that doesn't include War, guns, violence, conflict, aggression....oh, and golf :gag:

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:huh:I don't hate Americans. I don't have a lot of time for pretendy ones, with the exception of showing them for the pretendy ones they are though..."grandpappy" :hihi::hihi::hihi:


WW2, Russians, victors? Is there anything within your limited lateral thinking that doesn't include War, guns, violence, conflict, aggression....oh, and golf :gag:


What's a pretendy American then sonny? Is anybody not born in a specific country but later takes citizenship a pretendy? And you accuse me of limited thinking :hihi:


How about immigrants to the UK who become UK citizens? Are they all pretendys too?


You sound very much like a card carryimg member of the BNP to me


Pretendys ! :hihi: :hihi:

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What's wrong with globalisation? It's done alright for many nations who previously were "have nots".

The world was no good where a few nations in the western hemisphere enjoyed all the prosperity and industialization and many in the rest of the world had nothing at all and had gained zero after a century or more of exploitation by colonial masters.


Compared to what it was... the world is doing damned well


Swap colonial control for corporate control


Enable globalised terrorism


Introduce heavily polluting industry


Enable globalised financial terrorism


Support an unsustainable explosion in global population


Support an unsustainable explosion in global debt


Destabilise western economies


Yeah, it's great.


I suppose if you're old and haven't got too long left then it's easy to be blase about the impact.

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Giving yourself away a bit there Mr...I don't own women, any women, never have...or did you just assume that I'm one of the bearded ones? If it's any interest to you I'm of German stock..Blue eyes and skin that Michael Jackson could only dream of.


So you must be a pretendy Yorkshireman then eh?

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Someone thinks that the global banking crisis which started in the USA was due to George W Bush being a leftie.


The banking crisis was caused by criminality pure and simple. I'm as annoyed as the next man that there are not a lot of people in jail as a result but as we've seen with the 70's style behaviour probes, just because people get away with something at the time doesn't mean they will never be held to account.

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Swap colonial control for corporate control


Enable globalised terrorism


Introduce heavily polluting industry


Enable globalised financial terrorism


Support an unsustainable explosion in global population


Support an unsustainable explosion in global debt


Destabilise western economies


Yeah, it's great.


I suppose if you're old and haven't got too long left then it's easy to be blase about the impact.


So you'd prefer the world to have remained as it was. Millions in China, Asia, India and Africa without jobs or sustainable livelehoods, no future. no chance of an education and dont forget poverty does not mean that people do not pro-create in large numbers. In fact the poorer the country the higher the birthrate in many instances. The exportation of business and industry overseas has done much to improve that situation or did you think that all the wealth, money and jobs are the sole preserve of Europe and the west.


If that were true then there would have been a hell of a global war long ago.


As for my age dont worry about that. I've buried people a lot younger than me and also a lot smarter than you already

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So you'd prefer the world to have remained as it was. Millions in China, Asia, India and Africa without jobs or sustainable livelehoods, no future. no chance of an education and dont forget poverty does not mean that people do not pro-create in large numbers. In fact the poorer the country the higher the birthrate in many instances. The exportation of business and industry overseas has done much to improve that situation or did you think that all the wealth, money and jobs are the sole preserve of Europe and the west.


If that were true then there would have been a hell of a global war long ago.


As for my age dont worry about that. I've buried people a lot younger than me and also a lot smarter than you already


You're missing the point. What is happening now is not sustainable. It's based on debt, corporate power, exploitation, resource exhaustion, explosive population growth, environmental destruction and pollution.


It's not a sustainable model for the global economy. The previous model had to be moved away from for sure but more sustainably.

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