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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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I hear from inside sources that Snowden is having something of a mental meltdown after several weeks in the Moscow airport transit section. Putin does not return his phone calls, security agents watch him 24/7 so that he cant even pull his winky occasionally and enjoy it, airport food which consists mostly of boiled turnips and cabbage soup is causing severe heartburn and indigestion and he cant understand a word said on the small black and white TV the Russians found for him, added to that the toilets have all backed up and the airport plumbers are on strike due to a pay and overtime grievence


Well if you believe what your US Intelligence friends tell you then no wonder you're wrong. The US has already lost this battle because Snowden's leaks are now out. Stop the desperation. You're just underlining the fact that you've lost.

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Could Snowden now be in Cuba.


Yesterday's flight http://nl.flightaware.com/live/flight/AFL150


And the route the flight usually takes via the great circle http://nl.flightaware.com/live/flight/AFL150/history/20130709/1121Z/UUEE/MUHA


Aeroflot flight 150 usually follows the great circle route taking in Scandinavia Greenland, Canada before flying down the eastern side of the United States.


Clearly yesterday's flight has taken a big deviation off the great circle route to avoid US airspace.

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Well if you believe what your US Intelligence friends tell you then no wonder you're wrong. The US has already lost this battle because Snowden's leaks are now out. Stop the desperation. You're just underlining the fact that you've lost.


Do you really believe what I posted ? :D:loopy: Duh!

Snowden is screwed though. He cant get to South America to Venezuela or Bolivia who have offered him asylum and has asked Russia for temporary asylum again. He's an embarassment to Putin who wants him out of there but at the same time is enjoying his chance to tweak American noses so wont hand him over.

Putin is prepared to consider his application for asylum if he stops leaking US secrets and Snowden has agreed which is a reversal of his earlier intentions to leak as much as possible so the boy is getting desperate it seems.


The main thing to consider though is that Snowden only has so much info to leak and once that's run out he's a nobody who will soon be forgotten living like an outcast in some country for the rest of his natural life he really would prefer not to live in


---------- Post added 12-07-2013 at 15:18 ----------


Could Snowden now be in Cuba.


Yesterday's flight http://nl.flightaware.com/live/flight/AFL150


And the route the flight usually takes via the great circle http://nl.flightaware.com/live/flight/AFL150/history/20130709/1121Z/UUEE/MUHA


Aeroflot flight 150 usually follows the great circle route taking in Scandinavia Greenland, Canada before flying down the eastern side of the United States.


Clearly yesterday's flight has taken a big deviation off the great circle route to avoid US airspace.


Does Cuba want him? Fidel is a walking corpse and his brother Raul is waiting for Fidel to expire so that he can begin the process of getting Cuba-US relations back to normal

Why would Raul want someone like Snowden knowing that in doing so any chances of improvement in relations are down the toilet

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Snowden is screwed though.


Nah, sorry, it's the US government that's screwed; and they will continue to get shafted like this so long as they keep employing moral conscientious decent human beings, who can think for themselves.

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Nah, sorry, it's the US government that's screwed; and they will continue to get shafted like this so long as they keep employing moral conscientious decent human beings, who can think for themselves.


So what you're really saying is that the British government does not employ moral concientious decent human beings who can think for themselves and that's why there are no whistle blowers and leaks from UK government employees :hihi: :hihi:


---------- Post added 12-07-2013 at 21:07 ----------


Snowden screwed? A walking corpse?


How would you feel if he was bumped off Harleyman?


I would prefer him to be sent to prison. He's Bubba bait :hihi:

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No. I'm saying governments who want to act in a morally spurious manner, should not hire ethical conscientious people. Is that simple enough for you?


That's why the UK government gets away with acting in a morally spurious manner because they dont hire ethical conscientious people. Is that simple enough for you?

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That's why the UK government gets away with acting in a morally spurious manner because they dont hire ethical conscientious people. Is that simple enough for you?


No. Sorry. You're not making sense. I think I'll leave you alone now. Have a nice day!

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