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Edward Snowden; Hero or villain?

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You haven't had your own Snowden yet but it's coming.... dont worry.


I do hope so. However, Snowden did reveal how GCHQ taps the fibre optic comms cables and stores everything that passes through, deleting it after some time to make way for newly slurped stuff.


Snowden's revelations came at helpful time. The government is desperate to keep the whole population under surveillance and the Communications Data Bill was to allow them to tap into the UK internet to slurp off data into a massive database - again just storing stuff without any suspicion or warrant.


The bill was defeated a few months ago. However it has been sneakily resurrected


Ministers never tell the truth about all this. They just say "oooh terrorists" when asked.


Some whistleblowers with inside info will help where democracy has failed.

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Well what if it was decided that only those people who use the net should be monitored because they are Muslims ?


Would singling out anyone at an airport who wore Muslim dress or seemed to look like a person from the mid east for security vetting while leaving the rest of us alone be fair?


In the cold light of day that makes it absolutely unfair, discriminatory and a violation of the kind of society we strive to live in today


Worst argument yet from you. Don't know who the criminals are so treat everybody as a potential criminal. You think that's right, and fair?

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Try not to be too pro-Snowden chaps, you never know what computer program is monitoring you :suspect:


I assume the anti-Snowden brigade would be happy for the Government (or whoever really) to open their snail mail as well and have a look ? Then possibly re-seal them with a sticker saying "This letter has been approved for delivery by the Government"

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In terms of information collation that would seem to be fairest. I've nowt to hide


Now who's being naïve?


---------- Post added 24-06-2013 at 00:52 ----------


Try not to be too pro-Snowden chaps, you never know what computer program is monitoring you :suspect:


Good luck to them. The number of times UK residents have typed and sent messages and forum posts containing the name Snowden over the last few days, they'll have their work cut out ;)

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Worst argument yet from you. Don't know who the criminals are so treat everybody as a potential criminal. You think that's right, and fair?


You must have a hell of a problem going through airport security then :hihi:


"Please place your shoes in the box, your carry on bag on the belt and step through the metal detector"


YOU: "Why should I ? Why are you treating everyone including me as a potential terrorist or a hijacker. It's not right or fair" :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:



In the case of shoes in the box every passenger passing thru an airport terminal in the US must now place his or her shoes in a plastic box to be x-rayed. Even 75 year old grandmothers from Kansas.

Thanks to Richard Reid formerly resident of London UK and now currently residing in US federal penitentiary


The price of safety and well being has been at the cost iof losing some personal liberties along with individual dignity.


I dont give a hoot who wants to listen in on my phone calls or the stuff I post on the forum. I have nothing to hide and if it stops another 9/11 happening or even one life caused by an act of terror then it's a reasonable price to pay.

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Be careful Anna we are all being monitored and labelled ,every time you use a cash machine or go on line some one some where will have a record.

Yes, because GCHQ and probably MI5 (not to mention the news-hogging story about the secret Police anti-demo group) have been monitoring every text, letter, email and phone call we make for over the last decade!

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You must have a hell of a problem going through airport security then :hihi:


"Please place your shoes in the box, your carry on bag on the belt and step through the metal detector"


YOU: "Why should I ? Why are you treating everyone including me as a potential terrorist or a hijacker. It's not right or fair" :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:



In the case of shoes in the box every passenger passing thru an airport terminal in the US must now place his or her shoes in a plastic box to be x-rayed. Even 75 year old grandmothers from Kansas.

Thanks to Richard Reid formerly resident of London UK and now currently residing in US federal penitentiary


The price of safety and well being has been at the cost iof losing some personal liberties along with individual dignity.


I dont give a hoot who wants to listen in on my phone calls or the stuff I post on the forum. I have nothing to hide and if it stops another 9/11 happening or even one life caused by an act of terror then it's a reasonable price to pay.



And despite all this snooping there was a terror attack on US soil only a few months ago.

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You're a bigger fool than I because you still believe that in your idealistic society that the same isn't going on.


Now there's a pot, kettle, black quote if ever I saw one on here. Whenever anyone on here criticises the USA you jump in with a defence. It's as if you're routinely being paid by the US state to defend it on here.


If pragmatism amounts to "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it", then you can keep it.


Harleyman has already defended the My Lai massacre on here a year or two ago. He fought in Vietnam himself and said that people had been convicted for it when in fact one person spent one day in custody or similar for it. He's clearly earning a buck or two courtesy of the US taxpayer to write this rubbish.

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The Constitution is a fine document, probably the finest document guaranteeing the freedom and rights of citizenry ever written but Thomas Jefferson never imagined what the problems of the 21st century


So TJ was partly at fault because he had no insight into the future, and by definition the constitutional document should be ripped to shreds and re-written because by definition it can't be a "fine document" because it doesn't encompass or accommodate anything that Snowdon has revealed. I may even go as far as to say what he has revealed is the State's traitorous actions against its own people (that's if you REALLY believe in the constitution that is) rather than you bending it to fit in with NRA logic.

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