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Bank holiday to be named 'Thatcher Day'??

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Not publically in practically every major city.


I agree, I mentioned it merely to demonstrate the very real hatred that literally millions of people have for her.


Sorry but that's just nonsense, symbolism is important.


They only want to have a day to **** of lefties anyway, it's very petty.


If Margaret Thatcher wasn't hated so much by the left then the right wouldn't adore her half as much.


It's all very childish and petty.

It would not have been good for your health to publicly celebrate MLK's death in any city in America, not even in Birmingham, Alabama, or perhaps especially there, and rightly so. While we have not yet come to the top of the mountain totally, we are much closer than we've ever been before. My grandson just married an African American girl. Welcome to the family, Brenda.
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If they rename that bank holiday Thatcher Day I for one will be going to work & ignoring the fact it is a bank holiday .




---------- Post added 09-07-2013 at 17:54 ----------


It would not have been good for your health to publicly celebrate MLK's death in any city in America, not even in Birmingham, Alabama, or perhaps especially there, and rightly so. While we have not yet come to the top of the mountain totally, we are much closer than we've ever been before. My grandson just married an African American girl. Welcome to the family, Brenda.


Good on him and you, sadly not everyone can see past colour I mean both sides of the pond. I hope they have a long happy life together.

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Only if you are an idiot ex miner who lives in the past.


So miners are idiots for fighting what they believed in, I really cannot understand people like you methinks you're the bloody idiot. Why should anything be done to commemorate that evil cows memory, it is an insult to other great politicians and such.

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Q: now that everyone in employment has copious paid holiday weeks, why are there Bank Holidays at all?


I suspect the people who get minimum holidays (20 days + 8 BHs) would gladly have their work holidays upped to 28 days so not have to waste 4 of them on random Mondays and another 4 on religious holidays when everyone else is off.

As I get slightly more than that (not much !) I would rather keep this system, although I do seem to end up working a lot of the Bank Hols anyway.


As for naming it Thatcher Day, I can't think of a more fitting tribute to her legacy than telling people not to bother coming in to work on Monday (shamelessly stolen comment ! :P )

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So miners are idiots for fighting what they believed in, I really cannot understand people like you methinks you're the bloody idiot. Why should anything be done to commemorate that evil cows memory, it is an insult to other great politicians and such.


:clap::clap::clap: Way to go BPB - We used to burn effigies of the evil old bat on bonfire night, no way does she deserve any honour for the way she dishonhoured the people of this country and brought the nation to it's knees with callous disregard and now we are reaping the whirlwind of what she started:rant::rant::rant:

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