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Pork laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight "To Hell"

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I always wondered what the muslim women get in heaven.....does anyone know?


A bacon sandwich?


Probably relief, maybe the roles are reversed and the men become second class citizens with no rights!!!!


---------- Post added 29-06-2013 at 21:33 ----------


Israel's nuclear strategy is 'tripwire' (just like that of France, and that of the UK before the introduction of 'flexible response'.


If anybody tries to nuke Israel, they get the lot. (Estimated by the DIA in the 1990s to be between 60 and 80 warheads.)


Which probably goes to explaining why the former dictator of Iran wanted to nuke Israel but never had the balls to actually do it as his country would also be wiped from the face of the earth:loopy:

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Originally Posted by Plain Talker View Post

for a number of reasons


a) Sensational headlines sell papers ("bad news sells"!)


b) These groups' practices, like those of the Taliban are cultural rather than Islamic, as the Qur'an tells us that both men and women have an obligation to be educated to the best of their abilities. so the actions of these men go directly against the religion's teachings.



Out of all the Islamic cultures which ones treat women and men equally and give girls the same education and rights as boys.
Well said Maxmaximus


So now it seems the Muslims claim to be NIMBYs. "Not us" it is claimed it's now the Islamaphobic press who're really to blame, so the poor schoolgirl shot herself in the head to sell the story to western press:loopy:


The Muslim Schoolgirls on their way to school in Afghanistan weren't murdered by Muslims:huh:


---------- Post added 29-06-2013 at 23:55 ----------


:( was hoping for a more serious reply from a muslim poster...maybe no one knows..


You'll be suffering from Islamaphobia next just you wait.:hihi:

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Some yanks have come up with the idea of pork laced bullets designed to send muslims shot with them straight to hell because they are angry about an Islamic cultural centre opening near ground zero, more details here= http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/22/pork-laced-bullets-designed-to-send-muslims-straight-to-hell_n_3480150.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular

Doesn't this show just how stupid some people really are? :hihi:




Can I ask you a question?


You seem to use the term Yank with ease so how come people using the word "****" is so offensive to you?


Serious question.

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Can I ask you a question?


You seem to use the term Yank with ease so how come people using the word "****" is so offensive to you?


Serious question.


Go and take two Islamaphobia tablets, haven't you learned that you can insult the west till the cows come home but you've go to be 'Peter Perfect' when referring to Pakistanis and Muslims.:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 12:54 ----------


Is it '70 virgins' or '70 year old virgins'?


Don't tell the suicide bombers its only 70 and not 72 or they'll go on strike and won't attend the reunions.:o

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Originally Posted by Chris_Sleeps View Post

Which former dictator of Iran wanted to nuke Israel?


Easier question: which Iranian leaders don't?

[A: it's a trick question- they all want to].



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