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Pork laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight "To Hell"

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Oh the irony escaped you, didn't you see the quotation marks? ing.



Nope, didnt see them. In my defence ive not slept all night. The poor old dear next door passed away and it was bedlam when her family arrived the poor sods.

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Or even, the idiots attacking people in Nigeria, which French troops are trying to sort out. Trouble in Somalia and just about every African nation. The trouble in Chechinya, Russia, China and everywhere really


French troops in Nigeria? Do you mean Niger? Or Chad?


Trouble everywhere? Belfast last week? Brazil last month?

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'Yank' is indeed most offensive to those in the southern part of USA who still see themselves as 'Feds' [Confederates].
You must have been where I've never been, cos I've never heard a southerner call himself a fed, and I've been in every Confederate state of the Union at some time or another. I don't think anybody in Britain minds much being called a Brit, but they never likd being called Limeys for some reason. The name only applied because British sailors liked to drink lime juice as a means of preventing scurvy.
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