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Pork laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight "To Hell"

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You can't go around calling people 'your sort' :o


That's a racist term! (Previously used readily by landladies rejecting N*****S and Irish.)


Although English born and bred I had a door slammed in my face by a landlady cos she took me for Irish.


She should have known that if it looks like a Paddy, walks like a Paddy but quacks like a tyke it must be Englsih

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It doesn't matter who you are quoting - You can't use the term, it's racist.


After all, in the remake of the film about the Dumb-******** raid, Gibson's dog had to be renamed.


Well it's perfectly permissible to use racist/sexist/homophobic/offensive language when quoting the words of someone else..there wouldn't be a court room in existence if that wasn't the case ;)


Besides, there's nothing 'racist' about it in the first place!

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