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Pork laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight "To Hell"

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Well if you have any belief that pork has anything to do with a dispatch to hell or that Jihadists find paradise in a land full of virgins because they blow rhemselves up and that women are neither worthy of being treated as equals or enjoying any of the benefis of emancipation then you are automatically in my keyboard gun sights.


The Muslim religion is as bad as any other overall. It's just the superstitous rubbish and refusal to recognize the rights of the female gender that I have a problem with


fixed that for you. no, don't thank me :blush:

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They get to pick husbands, go to school, vote and earn a living working in a career of their choice


In Islam women don't have to earn a living it is provided for them. If they choose to work in a halal environment they can do so. It's a lot harder for western women with no support who become slaves to their work and work place sexual harassment. Western non Muslim women have a harder life than Muslim women who have a full family support network.


What have you yanks done for Muslim women? Raping women in their houses in front of their families in Iraq? Torturing women in torture camps such as Abu Graib and Baghram airbase? I know not all yanks have done this but you are pretty quick to stereotype all Muslims so you should be stereotyped back..


Islam gives respect and dignity to women where as western society treats them as sex objects a commodity used to sell, sex sells as the saying goes. In some western countries men walk around fully covered while women are half naked. For the benefit of who? Benefit of men obviously.

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In Islam women don't have to earn a living it is provided for them. If they choose to work in a halal environment they can do so. It's a lot harder for western women with no support who become slaves to their work and work place sexual harassment. Western non Muslim women have a harder life than Muslim women who have a full family support network.


What have you yanks done for Muslim women? Raping women in their houses in front of their families in Iraq? Torturing women in torture camps such as Abu Graib and Baghram airbase? I know not all yanks have done this but you are pretty quick to stereotype all Muslims so you should be stereotyped back..


Islam gives respect and dignity to women where as western society treats them as sex objects a commodity used to sell, sex sells as the saying goes. In some western countries men walk around fully covered while women are half naked. For the benefit of who? Benefit of men obviously.


In which western countries do men walk around in bags while the women walk around half naked?


Everyone is pretty muffled up when you get into the arctic circle but that goes for the women too.

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In Islam women don't have to earn a living it is provided for them. If they choose to work in a halal environment they can do so. It's a lot harder for western women with no support who become slaves to their work and work place sexual harassment. Western non Muslim women have a harder life than Muslim women who have a full family support network.


What have you yanks done for Muslim women? Raping women in their houses in front of their families in Iraq? Torturing women in torture camps such as Abu Graib and Baghram airbase? I know not all yanks have done this but you are pretty quick to stereotype all Muslims so you should be stereotyped back..


Islam gives respect and dignity to women where as western society treats them as sex objects a commodity used to sell, sex sells as the saying goes. In some western countries men walk around fully covered while women are half naked. For the benefit of who? Benefit of men obviously.


I've seen more than a few Islamic/Middle eastern men in my country who do a pretty good job of treating women like sex objects.

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Well if you have any belief that pork has anything to do with a dispatch to hell or that Jihadists find paradise in a land full of virgins because they blow rhemselves up and that women are neither worthy of being treated as equals or enjoying any of the benefis of emancipation then you are automatically in my keyboard gun sights.


The Muslim religion is as good as any other overall. It's just the superstitous rubbish and refusal to recognize the rights of the female gender that I have a problem with


stop beating about the bush and come to the point. You know full well suicide is haraam (forbidden by Allah) in Islam so no Muslim is going to be blowing themselves up to go to heaven.


The fact of the matter is that yank support for the Zionist state of Israel which has inflicted Nazi style atrocities on Muslims and even Christians for over sixty years has caused the phenomenon of human bombing. A phenomenon which originated in Sri Lanka and was adopted by militant groups fighting Israel. Human bombers use themselves as bombs because they haven't got access to the fancy technology America, Israel and their allies use to drop bombs on the heads of women and children and blow them up by the millions. If the yanks Israelis and others stopped bombing and blowing up millions of Muslim civilians there wouldn't be any Muslims using themselves as bombs in retaliation. This "they hate our way of life" analogy is the biggest lie ever told. The Yanks have the most bombs, the most WMD and are the ones doing the most bombing of civilians around the world.

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stop beating about the bush and come to the point. You know full well suicide is haraam (forbidden by Allah) in Islam so no Muslim is going to be blowing themselves up to go to heaven.


The fact of the matter is that yank support for the Zionist state of Israel which has inflicted Nazi style atrocities on Muslims and even Christians for over sixty years has caused the phenomenon of human bombing. A phenomenon which originated in Sri Lanka and was adopted by militant groups fighting Israel. Human bombers use themselves as bombs because they haven't got access to the fancy technology America, Israel and their allies use to drop bombs on the heads of women and children and blow them up by the millions. If the yanks Israelis and others stopped bombing and blowing up millions of Muslim civilians there wouldn't be any Muslims using themselves as bombs.


Stop the exaggerated nonsense and propaganda drivel and explain to me why in Iraq and Pakistan Muslims still continue to blow up other Muslims. Not a day passes by it seems that we hear on the news of yet another bombing in that part of the world.

You dont have to explain though because it's what's called sectarian strife and has been the result of more deaths among Muslims than by any foreign action.

Even now in Syria people are dying by the minute in a war that's basically between tribes.

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I've seen more than a few Islamic/Middle eastern men in my country who do a pretty good job of treating women like sex objects.


What does that prove? That Islam as a religion allows such behaviour? It proves absolutely nothing. Western society certainly allows this. The west went to liberate Iraq under the banner of freedom and democracy and we all know how women were killed and raped over there. The American lead western alliance including Israel are not peace loving neither do they believe in freedom they believe in controlling the world and its resources. The whole notion of freedom and democracy is nothing but a farce and those who but into it are nothing but gullible hypocrites. Calling Muslim bombers when they have the most bombs and go around the world bombing. Accusing Muslims of denying women their rights while causing suffering to millions of women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and such places.

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In Islam women don't have to earn a living it is provided for them. If they choose to work in a halal environment they can do so. It's a lot harder for western women with no support who become slaves to their work and work place sexual harassment. Western non Muslim women have a harder life than Muslim women who have a full family support network.


What have you yanks done for Muslim women? Raping women in their houses in front of their families in Iraq? Torturing women in torture camps such as Abu Graib and Baghram airbase? I know not all yanks have done this but you are pretty quick to stereotype all Muslims so you should be stereotyped back..


Islam gives respect and dignity to women where as western society treats them as sex objects a commodity used to sell, sex sells as the saying goes. In some western countries men walk around fully covered while women are half naked. For the benefit of who? Benefit of men obviously.


You think an arranged marriage between a 12 year old and a man old enough to be her grandad who she doesn't have any feelings of love for is giving respect and dignity?

It's what called buying/trading a commodity. Get a young girl and she's not only strong,energetic and healthy but also gullible, naive and easy to dominate and that's what it's all about.... domination... mind control.

She should have no other thought or desire other than to serve her husband.

Dont talk to me about what real slavery is.


In my part of the world girls and boys walk around in tee shirts, tank tops and shorts at this time of year because it gets so bloody hot later on. There nothing indecent or wrong about bare legs and arms unless one suffers from neurotic repressed and unhealthy feelings about such things

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What does that prove? That Islam as a religion allows such behaviour? It proves absolutely nothing. Western society certainly allows this. The west went to liberate Iraq under the banner of freedom and democracy and we all know how women were killed and raped over there. It's clearly evident that the western doctrine and those who support it are nothing but hypocrites. Calling Muslim bombers when they have the most bombs and go around the world bombing. Accusing Muslims of denying women their rights while causing suffering to millions of women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and such places.


It proves that no religion makes a man magically respect women.

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stop beating about the bush and come to the point. You know full well suicide is haraam (forbidden by Allah) in Islam so no Muslim is going to be blowing themselves up to go to heaven.


The fact of the matter is that yank support for the Zionist state of Israel which has inflicted Nazi style atrocities on Muslims and even Christians for over sixty years has caused the phenomenon of human bombing. A phenomenon which originated in Sri Lanka and was adopted by militant groups fighting Israel. Human bombers use themselves as bombs because they haven't got access to the fancy technology America, Israel and their allies use to drop bombs on the heads of women and children and blow them up by the millions. If the yanks Israelis and others stopped bombing and blowing up millions of Muslim civilians there wouldn't be any Muslims using themselves as bombs in retaliation. This "they hate our way of life" analogy is the biggest lie ever told. The Yanks have the most bombs, the most WMD and are the ones doing the most bombing of civilians around the world.


so, to protest at the bombing of muslims, muslims are bombing muslims?

great logic; good job, islam.


and how about some links to actual facts to back up your wild claims of 'drop bombs on the heads of women and children and blow them up by the millions'?

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