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Pork laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight "To Hell"

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What does that prove? That Islam as a religion allows such behaviour? It proves absolutely nothing. Western society certainly allows this. The west went to liberate Iraq under the banner of freedom and democracy and we all know how women were killed and raped over there. The American lead western alliance including Israel are not peace loving neither do they believe in freedom they believe in controlling the world and its resources. The whole notion of freedom and democracy is nothing but a farce and those who but into it are nothing but gullible hypocrites. Calling Muslim bombers when they have the most bombs and go around the world bombing. Accusing Muslims of denying women their rights while causing suffering to millions of women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and such places.


Well I do tend to agree with you to a certain extent. People like Saddam Assad and Ghadaffi were good for that part of the world. They kept order, banged heads together and did not suffer dissidents or any ideas of regime change or voter rights gladly.

The shoe fitted perfectly only some apparently didn't seem to think so. Bad! Bad! Bad people !

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Stop the exaggerated nonsense and propaganda drivel and explain to me why in Iraq and Pakistan Muslims still continue to blow up other Muslims. Not a day passes by it seems that we hear on the news of yet another bombing in that part of the world.

You dont have to explain though because it's what's called sectarian strife and has been the result of more deaths among Muslims than by any foreign action.

Even now in Syria people are dying by the minute in a war that's basically between tribes.


You are talking exaggerated nonsense. America cause the sectarian bombings in Iraq Afghanistan and other parts of the Muslim world to suit their own interests. They prop up dictatorships and puppet regimes to slavishly serve American interests while causing suffering to civilians. Those countries are not free they are under the occupation of American puppet regimes which is why violence continues. America has totally destabilised Iraq, Afghanistan and even Pakistan. America goes across the Muslim world causing death destruction and violence and then people like you have the cheek to sit on your computer and ask why violence continues in the Muslim countries that have been terrorised by American genocidal atrocities for the last 12 years.


Do you think America has no hand in the destruction of Syria? The west is already supplying weapons to Syria through unofficial channels. America favours the destruction of Syria because American foreign policy in the Middle East works in the favour of Zionist Israel which is why politicians sound like hypocrites when talking about the Holocaust or Apartheid while supporting Israel and attacking Muslim countries in the interests of Israel. Israel a racist state of zionist extremists who believe they are cleansing the land which is promised to them by God.

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You are talking exaggerated nonsense. America cause the sectarian bombings in Iraq Afghanistan and other parts of the Muslim world to suit their own interests. They prop up dictatorships and puppet regimes to slavishly serve American interests while causing suffering to civilians. Those countries are not free they are under the occupation of American puppet regimes which is why violence continues. America has totally destabilised Iraq, Afghanistan and even Pakistan. America goes across the Muslim world causing death destruction and violence and then people like you have the cheek to sit on your computer and ask why violence continues in the Muslim countries that have been terrorised by American genocidal atrocities for the last 12 years.


Do you think America has no hand in the destruction of Syria? The west is already supplying weapons to Syria through unofficial channels. America favours the destruction of Syria because American foreign policy in the Middle East works in the favour of Zionist Israel which is why politicians sound like hypocrites when talking about the Holocaust or Apartheid while supporting Israel and attacking Muslim countries in the interests of Israel. Israel a racist state of zionist extremists who believe they are cleansing the land which is promised to them by God.


Have the Americans or the Israelis ordered you to blow yourself to bits at a gathering of muslims of a slightly different flavour yet and if not why do you think they are holding back on ordering you to go play splodeydope at a marketplace frequented by people who believe ever so slightly differently to you?

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so, to protest at the bombing of muslims, muslims are bombing muslims?

great logic; good job, islam.


and how about some links to actual facts to back up your wild claims of 'drop bombs on the heads of women and children and blow them up by the millions'?


If you look at American history from the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to the bombing of Vietnam and then the first wave of bombing of Iraq then Afghanistan followed by the second wave of bombing of Iraq. Then the drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and the bombing of Libya. Adding all that up women and children have been blown up by the millions. American drone strikes in the tribal areas of Pakistan alone have killed more civilians than on 9/11 and yet that is supposedly a sovereign country not at war with the US. So if that's how America treats countries it's not at war with then what hope os there for countries it starts wars with.


Muslims are not blowing up Muslims to protest the bombing of Muslims. You see everything in black and white. America and its allies bomb and invade countries destabilise them creating a lawless environment and a traumatised population and then prop up puppet regimes which slavishly serve the occupying power. I such traumatic lawless conditions were created in this country the result would be violence and kayos. Some groups like the EDL want to bring about exactly that, they want a civil war and thats without any bombing or occupation from outside.


---------- Post added 26-06-2013 at 01:30 ----------


Well I do tend to agree with you to a certain extent. People like Saddam Assad and Ghadaffi were good for that part of the world. They kept order, banged heads together and did not suffer dissidents or any ideas of regime change or voter rights gladly.

The shoe fitted perfectly only some apparently didn't seem to think so. Bad! Bad! Bad people !


America armed and supported Saddam Hussain in the 1980's when he was at his worse so don't try to justify the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people, the destruction of a whole country and the displacement of millions on the basis that Saddam has gone. What ever Ghadafi was he was in his own country and the racist scum now in charge going around lynching black citizens of that country and killing anyone who dares to oppose them are far better are they?

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If you look at American history from the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to the bombing of Vietnam and then the first wave of bombing of Iraq then Afghanistan followed by the second wave of bombing of Iraq. Then the drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and the bombing of Libya. Adding all that up women and children have been blown up by the millions. American drone strikes in the tribal areas of Pakistan alone have killed more civilians than on 9/11 and yet that is supposedly a sovereign country not at war with the US. So if that's how America treats countries it's not at war with then what hope os there for countries it starts wars with.


Muslims are not blowing up Muslims to protest the bombing of Muslims. You see everything in black and white. America and its allies bomb and invade countries destabilise them creating a lawless environment and a traumatised population and then prop up puppet regimes which slavishly serve the occupying power. I such traumatic lawless conditions were created in this country the result would be violence and kayos. Some groups like the EDL want to bring about exactly that, they want a civil war and thats without any bombing or occupation from outside.


---------- Post added 26-06-2013 at 01:30 ----------



America armed and supported Saddam Hussain in the 1980's when he was at his worse so don't try to justify the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people, the destruction of a whole country and the displacement of millions on the basis that Saddam has gone. What ever Ghadafi was he was in his own country and the racist scum now in charge going around lynching black citizens of that country and killing anyone who dares to oppose them are far better are they?



From the same source as the OP,

Islam At War -- With Itself


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If you look at American history from the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to the bombing of Vietnam and then the first wave of bombing of Iraq then Afghanistan followed by the second wave of bombing of Iraq. Then the drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and the bombing of Libya. Adding all that up women and children have been blown up by the millions. American drone strikes in the tribal areas of Pakistan alone have killed more civilians than on 9/11 and yet that is supposedly a sovereign country not at war with the US. So if that's how America treats countries it's not at war with then what hope os there for countries it starts wars with.


Muslims are not blowing up Muslims to protest the bombing of Muslims. You see everything in black and white. America and its allies bomb and invade countries destabilise them creating a lawless environment and a traumatised population and then prop up puppet regimes which slavishly serve the occupying power. I such traumatic lawless conditions were created in this country the result would be violence and kayos. Some groups like the EDL want to bring about exactly that, they want a civil war and thats without any bombing or occupation from outside.


---------- Post added 26-06-2013 at 01:30 ----------



America armed and supported Saddam Hussain in the 1980's when he was at his worse so don't try to justify the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people, the destruction of a whole country and the displacement of millions on the basis that Saddam has gone. What ever Ghadafi was he was in his own country and the racist scum now in charge going around lynching black citizens of that country and killing anyone who dares to oppose them are far better are they?


I'm no great debater but I would be as embarassed as hell if I posted the totally brainwashed garbage that you and your pal Erebus come on this forum with.

You are of the same ilk as the other brainwashed ditto heads who yell "death to America" every time the clerics get in the mood for a little more rabble rousing

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stop beating about the bush and come to the point. You know full well suicide is haraam (forbidden by Allah) in Islam so no Muslim is going to be blowing themselves up to go to heaven.


So what about the 72 virgins the Muslin clerics promise suicide bombers when they entre heaven.

Which was a laugh when they tried to bomb Glasgow airport as they couldn't find any virgins over 12 in Glasgow.:D:o:rolleyes::hihi::gag:

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I'm no great debater but I would be as embarassed as hell if I posted the totally brainwashed garbage that you and your pal Erebus come on this forum with.

You are of the same ilk as the other brainwashed ditto heads who yell "death to America" every time the clerics get in the mood for a little more rabble rousing


My Bold=

People say death to America due to its actions, how many innocent deaths have the invasions by the USA caused?

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My Bold=

People say death to America due to its actions, how many innocent deaths have the invasions by the USA caused?


Certainly the net result of Iraq has not been to make the US super popular among some groups, but to be fair you have to look at who has actually being doing the vast majority of the killing there and it's muslim extremists of both sunni and shia flavours.


If you look at the 9/11, the "reason" given was that having taken the lead role in the coalition that liberated muslim Kuwait from secular saddams army the US had the temerity to leave, in barracks, a forward deployed rapid reaction force in KSA. Not running round the streets sticking rifles in peoples faces, merely sat in barracks to provide a deterent to saddam against a repeat attack. This was unacceptable to ObL as the presence of "infidel" soldiers on the peninsular even though they were there to protect muslims if needed was an afront to his god. That's the mentality and level of hatred we're dealing with, merely existing in the "wrong" place was enough to justify in their minds the worst terrorist attack in history.

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My Bold=

People say death to America due to its actions, how many innocent deaths have the invasions by the USA caused?


How many innocent Bosnian Muslims did the US save during the war between the Serbs, Croats and Bosnians in the early 90s?


Whose killing Muslims now in Iraq ?


Whose killing Muslims in this war going on in Syria?


Who was the bomber who killed several young women recently at a school in Quetta, Paskistan. Hey! those gals were criminals right.? They were trying to get an education.


You lot, Bouncer Erebus and yourself ought to give it up. The more you blame the US for everything while Muslims go on killing Muslims the more you appear to be brainwashed ditto heads

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