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Pork laced Bullets Designed To Send Muslims Straight "To Hell"

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Muslims are not blowing up Muslims to protest the bombing of Muslims.


So why every day are we seeing reports of Muslim on Muslim atrocities including schoolgirls shot just for being educated, are the schoolgirls on the side of the US or something?


Please come up with a rational answer as many of us are quite puzzled by these weird barbaric acts.

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You are talking exaggerated nonsense. America cause the sectarian bombings in Iraq Afghanistan and other parts of the Muslim world to suit their own interests. They prop up dictatorships and puppet regimes to slavishly serve American interests while causing suffering to civilians. Those countries are not free they are under the occupation of American puppet regimes which is why violence continues. America has totally destabilised Iraq, Afghanistan and even Pakistan. America goes across the Muslim world causing death destruction and violence and then people like you have the cheek to sit on your computer and ask why violence continues in the Muslim countries that have been terrorised by American genocidal atrocities for the last 12 years.


Do you think America has no hand in the destruction of Syria? The west is already supplying weapons to Syria through unofficial channels. America favours the destruction of Syria because American foreign policy in the Middle East works in the favour of Zionist Israel which is why politicians sound like hypocrites when talking about the Holocaust or Apartheid while supporting Israel and attacking Muslim countries in the interests of Israel. Israel a racist state of zionist extremists who believe they are cleansing the land which is promised to them by God.


British and American foreign policy in the middle east has been a disaster since the second world war,we need to take a good look at ourselves and see that we have been one of the causes of terrorism

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There were plenty of Muslims here when 9/11 took place either US or foreign born. There was no roundup and questioning of Muslims after it happened.Why not come clean and confess that your brother-in-'law did something to attract the attention of the authorities?


There was nothing the US could do about the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. His fall was due to the general dissatisfaction over the cost of living and quality of life in general by large numbers of young Egyptians.


I dont think Washington was very happy to see Mubarak gone. He was a key ally in that part of the world


When the Libyan rebels started fighting aginst Ghadaffi the Arab League requested help from the United Nations to put a stop to Ghadaffi's murderous retaliation. The UN in turn went to NATO and Britsh PM Cameron and French Premier Sarkozy announced that they would launch air strikes against Ghadaffi's forces. Additional help was requested from Obama who in turn had the US Navy use missiles to further degrade Ghadaffis ability to use his military against the rebels.


The Russians and the Chinese have been busy supplying Syria's Assad with tanks, artillery and gunships. The EU passed a vote to supply arms to the rebels and Obama agreed to do so in limited and restricted quantities.


The US wont do anything about Israel's nuclear arsenal. Israel is a small country with a fraction of the population of the vast Arab world around it, all of it, if not outright hostile at least far from friendly.

Nukes are Israels last resort should the day come sometime in the distant future when a united Arab military force backed by Iran decides to have another go at it.


Where is the US Boogeyman in all this? How often must I place hard facts before you?


---------- Post added 26-06-2013 at 22:17 ----------



Who can blame them. 1967 and 1973 taught them a lesson and apart from Egypt no other Arab country has signed a peace agreement or recognized the country


My Bold=

Stop lying Harleyman as it was happening as this link proves and my brother in law is not a liar= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detentions_following_the_September_11_attacks


---------- Post added 27-06-2013 at 16:56 ----------


where was this detention centre?


It was a jail, will ask him when he gets back but it was happening as this link proves= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detentions_following_the_September_11_attacks

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My Bold=

Stop lying Harleyman as it was happening as this link proves and my brother in law is not a liar= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detentions_following_the_September_11_attacks


---------- Post added 27-06-2013 at 16:56 ----------



It was a jail, will ask him when he gets back but it was happening as this link proves= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detentions_following_the_September_11_attacks


Wikipedia is not proof of anything, its the amalgamation of information, that can be true or false. go and find some real evidence and use those links to back up your claims.

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My brother in law was travelling between the USA, Britain and Pakistan regularly and they pulled him over one night and he ended up in a detention centre being questioned about why he was regularly travelling between these countries, he didn't purposely do anything to attract their attention and told me that there were other muslims in the same situation.


You've got me curious about this now. Why did they pull him over? And where. Freeway? In town? And who is they? Also, where did all this take place. City, state and county, please.


Detention center? Or police station. How long did they hold him? And again, why? Did he get mouthy with the officers? Was there something else going on?


Many years ago, I worked with a guy from Ireland who showed up three hours late for work with an incredible story that fell apart when we scrutinized it. He was furious and insisted San Francisco's finest were a bunch of Nazis.


He said he'd been pulled over for a busted tail light or something, and the police suddenly started threatening to take him to SFO and put him on the first plane back home. Just like that.


Of course, he'd overstayed his student visa by a few years, wasn't a student and hadn't been in quite a while, had a dozen outstanding parking and moving violations, no auto insurance, and was currently being sued by his landlord for unlawful detainer. The landlord didn't even want the back rent, he just wanted him to clear out.


I'm not saying something strange didn't happen to your BIL, but there's two sides to every story and I'm curious to hear the whole thing.

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Wikipedia is not proof of anything, its the amalgamation of information, that can be true or false. go and find some real evidence and use those links to back up your claims.


There are 3 links in the article...






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