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Korean Food wanted, any suggestions?


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Oh, forgotten to say this...

I had a good giggle when I read 'sea willie'... Erm...

If this is what I think it is... it's called 'sea cucumber'. I've never seen the real ones, but dried ones only. It's meant to be a real delicacy, and it cost a bomb ! It's quite expensive apparently.

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  • 2 years later...

I love Korean food! I spent 7 weeks working in SK in '99, ate Korean for every meal of the day (except for a couple of pizza meals). When I was on the south coast, lunch was taken in the petrochemical plant canteen along with the Korean workers, consisted of pressed steel trays containing bowl of rice, bowl of soup, fish, kimchee, vegetables. In the evenings, a bunch of us would hit town: I think the guys were pushing me to see how far I'd go cuisine-wise, as a result of which, I've eaten raw eel innards and puffer-fish as well as the usual BBQ fare (no dog though ... the reason given that it's too 'expensive', but probably the guys being sensitive to western ways)


I've tried a number of Korean restaurants in London and Birmingham, but I think they're a pale imitation of the SK restaurants - down in part to the availability of the exact ingredients, I guess

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Korean BBQ is just an inverted hot plate where you can self cook the marinated meat on it.


I thought it was a spit roasted dog. :D


Note - You don't need to worry about your pets going walkabout if a Korean place opens as they breed dogs for the table and not just eat any dog from the street.

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