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More economic pain whoever wins 2015 general election

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Ed, Ed and Eddie are having to face reality it seems:


Labour must face up to difficult decisions on reducing the welfare bill, admits Ed Balls


The shadow Chancellor said he would consider supporting a range of new benefit rules outlined by George Osborne in this week’s Spending Review which are due to come into effect just weeks before the next general election.


Mr Balls says he now supports the principle of a total cap on welfare spending. He has also suggested going further by including pension spending in the cap.


He indicated that younger workers might have to delay retiring to bring down the state pension bill.


“I want to see the social security bill coming down,” Mr Balls said. “The reality is that we are going to have to face some very difficult decisions on public spending and on social security because of the huge deficit we are going to inherit and the failure of the Government on growth and deficit reduction and falling living standards.





"Supporting a range of new benefit rules outlined by George Osborne".


Not the evil, mustache twirling Mr. Osborne! :o


Could it be that maybe (just maybe) our Gideon had it right all along?


But the most hilarious bit is this: "because of the huge deficit we are going to inherit".


Firstly, does Balls think the deficit just materialized out of nowhere in May 2010?


Secondly, has Balls forgotten his own statements on deficit reduction?


Budget 2013: Ed Balls urges George Osborne to 'U-turn' on economy


And yet....

Labour will be 'ruthless' about cutting public spending, says Ed Balls


I'm confused. Austerity is wrong yet...


Balls admits Labour would NOT reverse tax rises and spending cuts


So Gideon is wrong, but Balls agrees with him and won't reverse his policies, the very policies he said were not working:


Balls says cuts plan 'not working' despite IMF backing


The very cuts that Balls will not reverse


Balls admits Labour would NOT reverse tax rises and spending cuts


and which he pledges to match

Labour will be 'ruthless' about cutting public spending, says Ed Balls



Finally, is Balls merely an utter fool who makes Gordon Brown look half way lucid in his economic planning?


I'll leave you to debate that last one (but the answer is yes).

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Ed, Ed and Eddie are having to face reality it seems:







"Supporting a range of new benefit rules outlined by George Osborne".


Not the evil, mustache twirling Mr. Osborne! :o


Could it be that maybe (just maybe) our Gideon had it right all along?


But the most hilarious bit is this: "because of the huge deficit we are going to inherit".

Firstly, does Balls think the deficit just materialized out of nowhere in May 2010?


Secondly, has Balls forgotten his own statements on deficit reduction?


Budget 2013: Ed Balls urges George Osborne to 'U-turn' on economy


And yet....

Labour will be 'ruthless' about cutting public spending, says Ed Balls


I'm confused. Austerity is wrong yet...


Balls admits Labour would NOT reverse tax rises and spending cuts


So Gideon is wrong, but Balls agrees with him and won't reverse his policies, the very policies he said were not working:


Balls says cuts plan 'not working' despite IMF backing


The very cuts that Balls will not reverse


Balls admits Labour would NOT reverse tax rises and spending cuts


and which he pledges to match

Labour will be 'ruthless' about cutting public spending, says Ed Balls



Finally, is Balls merely an utter fool who makes Gordon Brown look half way lucid in his economic planning?


I'll leave you to debate that last one (but the answer is yes).




Yes that's the deficit Osbornes austerity measures were going to wipe-out in a single term of power sharing with the LibDems!:hihi:

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