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The Queen is getting her pay rise

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She has worked ALL her life and is still working to this day. How many 80+ year old women do you know who are still working now?


---------- Post added 29-06-2013 at 23:59 ----------



Neither does the Queen. SHE personally gets paid naff all.


If you actually bothered to read things you would know that.


She has servants and ladies in waiting fawning all over her and wants for nothing other than a normal life. She has no understanding of reality. She can't possibly have. She is trying to live up to some antiquated ideal of what a monarch was a hundred years ago.

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Some may say the work the Queen does isn't a hard days work, either in terms of effort or skill.


But neither is sat on your arse at a checkout in Tesco's saying would you like any cashback.

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She has servants and ladies in waiting fawning all over her and wants for nothing other than a normal life. She has no understanding of reality. She can't possibly have. She is trying to live up to some antiquated ideal of what a monarch was a hundred years ago.


So she has staff... big deal.


The Monarchy is a business. A business whose Crown Estates alone have a value of 7.3 billion.


Recent profit reports of the Royals are showing this to be in excess of £400m - 75% of which goes directly to the public purse.


You dont expect her to manage that on her own do you. Of course she has Cooks, Maids, assistants and advisors - so do lots of high profile people. Do you think the PM manages his own household. Get real. Even Z lists celebs have a lacky fetching their coffees and ironing their socks.


Think about the bigger picture here. How many of our companies are pulling that figure into the public purse. Most of them are scamming their way out of paying anything whatsoever.


Add on the tourism benefits, diplomatic relations and general stability over the past 60+ years and I think Liz has more than earned her 52p per person each year - which incidentally most of it used to pay the staff and look after the buildings that she does not even own.



All the anti royalists can shout all they want. Lets see how fair, honest, open, just and equitable a President Cameron or Milliband would be. Lets see how long it would be for that 52p per year to be trebeled or quadroupled

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Some may say the work the Queen does isn't a hard days work, either in terms of effort or skill.


But neither is sat on your arse at a checkout in Tesco's saying would you like any cashback.


I think it takes quite a lot of effort to motivate yourself to go and sit there for 7 hours at a time having to pretend to be nice to people like you.

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The Monarchy is a business. A business whose Crown Estates alone have a value of 7.3 billion.


Recent profit reports of the Royals are showing this to be in excess of £400m - 75% of which goes directly to the public purse.

The Crown Estate doesn't belong to her. It was land that got taken off George III because the House of Hanover had proven it couldn't be trusted with it. With no monarch 100% would be in the public purse.


To add also, if the job is that difficult, and that much hard work - in what mad world do we have an 87 year old woman doing it and her 64 year old son waiting to start?

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She has worked ALL her life and is still working to this day. How many 80+ year old women do you know who are still working now?


---------- Post added 29-06-2013 at 23:59 ----------



Neither does the Queen. SHE personally gets paid naff all.


If you actually bothered to read things you would know that.


Yeah! walking around and shaking hands is really hard work.:huh:

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The Crown Estate doesn't belong to her. It was land that got taken off George III because the House of Hanover had proven it couldn't be trusted with it. With no monarch 100% would be in the public purse.


It was previously the ownership of the Monarch and if you read up you will see that in return for giving up the Crown Estate the monarchy was given a grant - namely the civil list.


However, in 2011 they government changed things and got rid of the civil list and offered a percentage amount of the Crown Estate. That percentage is what the Queen owns and gets.


The Queen also has personal ownership of lots of other properties, investments and objects which for 21 years the Queen has volunteered to pay tax upon - even though she didn't have to. How many Prime Ministers, Fat Cats and Company Directors would choose to do that eh?


Would the future be all wonderful and moralistic if we were the republic of england, scotland and wales. What would happen to Northern Ireland and our overseas territories.


The Queen still has more power and responsibility than people give credit for. What she CHOOSES to action and enforce is her decision. She is far more than someone who simply walks around shaking hands.


She is head of state of 16 countries and hosts constant meetings, receptions, official visits and state dinners with world leaders.


She is the head of all offical government departments and has to be briefed and sign off on hundreds of decisions and formailities for the police, prison service, secret service and armed forces.


She has to approve and sign every Parliament bill to make it law,

She formally appoints the Prime Minister and has to host weekly meetings She appoints all the ministers,

She calls for elections,

The secret services respond to her and she signs all treaties and appoints all the ambassadors as well as foreign ambassadors need to be recognised by the Queen.


You might not think this is "proper work" but you could also argue the same for company directors who sit in their swanky offices shouting at a team of lackys all day. However, it is work and work that needs to be done.


We have had dozens of party leaders, prime ministers, senior civil servants who are supposed to be in control drift in and out of the system... some good but many bad.


All the meanwhile She has been the true face representing Britain to the outside work. Her relations with world leaders have represented us strongly and always in a good light.


That sort of stability and presence around the globe I would rather keep. I cant see President xxxx managing to do that with such strength, stability and decorum

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It was previously the ownership of the Monarch and if you read up you will see that in return for giving up the Crown Estate the monarchy was given a grant - namely the civil list.


However, in 2011 they government changed things and got rid of the civil list and offered a percentage amount of the Crown Estate. That percentage is what the Queen owns and gets.


The Queen also has personal ownership of lots of other properties, investments and objects which for 21 years the Queen has volunteered to pay tax upon - even though she didn't have to. How many Prime Ministers, Fat Cats and Company Directors would choose to do that eh?


Would the future be all wonderful and moralistic if we were the republic of england, scotland and wales. What would happen to Northern Ireland and our overseas territories.


The Queen still has more power and responsibility than people give credit for. What she CHOOSES to action and enforce is her decision. She is far more than someone who simply walks around shaking hands.


She is head of state of 16 countries and hosts constant meetings, receptions, official visits and state dinners with world leaders.


She is the head of all offical government departments and has to be briefed and sign off on hundreds of decisions and formailities for the police, prison service, secret service and armed forces.


She has to approve and sign every Parliament bill to make it law,

She formally appoints the Prime Minister and has to host weekly meetings She appoints all the ministers,

She calls for elections,

The secret services respond to her and she signs all treaties and appoints all the ambassadors as well as foreign ambassadors need to be recognised by the Queen.


You might not think this is "proper work" but you could also argue the same for company directors who sit in their swanky offices shouting at a team of lackys all day. However, it is work and work that needs to be done.


We have had dozens of party leaders, prime ministers, senior civil servants who are supposed to be in control drift in and out of the system... some good but many bad.


All the meanwhile She has been the true face representing Britain to the outside work. Her relations with world leaders have represented us strongly and always in a good light.

And what about when her meddling idiot son takes over?


How much of an embarrassment is that gonna be?


You royalists have been spoiled by Elizabeth's reign, it's easy to whip up support for the Queen when she dutifully keeps her neb out and barely says anything, she's just a face on the coins and a mount to put pretty hats on at the races.


Gonna be a bit harder when we've got an idiot who thinks he has the right to try and dictate policy to ministers wearing the crown.


And I'm sorry you can list as many parties she attends as you want and as many politicians and celebrities that she 'has to' meet but her job is still extremely cushy.


The mere fact that she is capable of maintaining all of her duties at the age she is is evidence of that.

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The Queen also has personal ownership of lots of other properties, investments and objects which for 21 years the Queen has volunteered to pay tax upon - even though she didn't have to.

This is where I point out that Elizabeth Regina and Elizabeth Windsor are not legally the same entity. The Crown has ownership, or the person has ownership?


For example; Balmoral is owned by the Queen as a person, and not by The Crown. If she wasn't Queen, Balmoral would still be hers. Windsor Castle is owned by The Crown, and not by the person.

Would the future be all wonderful and moralistic if we were the republic of england, scotland and wales. What would happen to Northern Ireland and our overseas territories.

Nope. We'd have ugly old politics, as usual. It'd be the same as it is now.


Does the Queen make our life wonderful and moralistic now? Nope. We have ugly old politics, as usual.

The Queen still has more power and responsibility than people give credit for.

She shouldn't. No person should have any power on the sole qualification of which womb they popped out of.

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But the politics is only re governance- not who rules the UK.

By definition, any political system works only to the extent that it's properly supervised and to the extent that temporary leaders' obsessions cannot cause lasting damage to the structural fabric of the nation's political system. Example: Parliament cannot lawfully vote to abolish General Elections (although the usual cycle can be suspended in wartime).

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