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The perils of publicity

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I'm pretty sure that some of you will have realised that the author of the book reviewed by Colin Drury in The Star on the 3rd of June was yours truly. The trap I fell into was giving too much information and ultimately the review made me sound like a sex maniac! Yes, ther's a degree of rumpy pumpy in the book but all within the context of the story.

I suspect very few people outside Scarborough these days know that the seaside town was bombarded by two German battleships in December 1914, they just sailed into the South Bay and opened fire, the lighthouse was hit and the Grand Hotel took 27 hits.

17 people were killed and a large number injured, it was only the fact that it was eight o'clock in the morning when less people were up and about that more were not killed.

My story is set during this event, but the people in the story are fictional, next year of course will be the centenary of this and lots of events are planned to commemorate the attack. If any of you have a Kindle, the book is on there. So I wanted publicity but got a little more! That's life as they say.

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