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In the hands of experts, being led to slaughter.

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What about the 'Red' idiots who got us into this mess. No doubt they were fully qualified and yet had to leave a note advising ' there's no money left' !!!


Did the red idiots also leave just about every country in the western world in the same mess too? It's strange how the red in China and Russia don't seem to be doing to bad.

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But then he would have to admit that his comments are baseless and primarily posted to get a rise out of other posters. I recommend doing the same as I have and add him to your Ignore list.


Completely agree but it's funny waiting for a response. We know already that any response will be hilarious and at the moment I can't put him/her on ignore as I don't want to miss a good 'giggle' !!!


---------- Post added 27-06-2013 at 17:00 ----------


Did the red idiots also leave just about every country in the western world in the same mess too? It's strange how the red in China and Russia don't seem to be doing to bad.


Both dictatorships and as far as Russia is concerned, the reds took them to the bottom of the barrel, the country imploded, split up and only now is starting to recover. Bad example really !!

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On the basis of a qualification devoid of any comprehension of risk, mathematics, economics, all of which would have to be reinterpreted to him, learning the language, while listening to people so above his educational grade, he would not understand either the implications, or the results of other people's (experts) interpretations.


It is the equivalent of being in a storm, with a drunken deck hand steering the ship, and hoping to avoid hazards, who cannot read a map, understand how to access bearings. Well it seems a manager with a degree would be well qualified to do brain surgery, without any training, as Osbourne has none.


Maybe being led by educated idiots with a great PR machine behind them is really just as relevant as pick a celebrity to run the country. Well at least in other countries with crap leaders the people get out on the streets and complain. We just let the fool control the ship, because we feel we cannot do it for ourselves, maybe?

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But then he would have to admit that his comments are baseless and primarily posted to get a rise out of other posters. I recommend doing the same as I have and add him to your Ignore list.


I don't post to get a rise out of anyone, I am allowed to have an opinion, and they are not baseless, It's plastered all over the news ect what a mess this Goverment is making of the country and the majority of the people in this country agree and have had enough, and that's the reason in the next Election they will be voted out and won't get back in again for a very long time.

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I don't post to get a rise out of anyone, I am allowed to have an opinion, and they are not baseless, It's plastered all over the news ect what a mess this Goverment is making of the country and the majority of the people in this country agree and have had enough, and that's the reason in the next Election they will be voted out and won't get back in again for a very long time.


Err, and what news are you looking at?? Socialist worker front page ny any chance.


Labour has a mountain to climb to win the next election outright, and is still failing to chalk up big enough leads on image or leadership to make it likely to secure an overall majority.


The YouGov polling, commissioned by Progress, suggests the party is still seen as "nice" but incapable of taking tough decisions. Miliband's personal ratings have hardly improved over the past year.


On top of this they have NO policies to speak of and simply object to the cuts and decisions taken by the Conservatives.



Still interested to see your examples of why the 'Blues' are making things worse !!!

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Did the red idiots also leave just about every country in the western world in the same mess too? It's strange how the red in China and Russia don't seem to be doing to bad.


The Red in China and in Russia don't pay UK minimum wage. (Not that I'm recommending any changes to minimum wage.)


If your manufacturing and marketing costs are significantly lower than those of your competitors, you are likely to have a significant advantage over them.

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Ever thought you wanted to run the country’s finances??


No qualifications necessary, just friends in high places


Osbourne is our new expert but what are his qualifications???


Got a degree in Economics? NO!!


He got a second rate degree a 2:1 bachelor's degree in Modern History, so well qualified for his job!! At Oxford he edited the university's Isis magazine,[11] and was a member of the Bullingdon Club


After graduating in 1992, Osborne did a few part-time jobs including as a data entry clerk, typing the details of recently deceased into a NHS computer database. He also briefly worked for a week at Selfridges, mainly re-folding towels.


In 1993, Osborne originally intended to pursue a career in journalism. He was shortlisted for but failed to gain a place on The Times trainee scheme, and instead did freelance work on the Peterborough diary column of The Daily Telegraph. Some time later, an Oxford friend of his, journalist George Bridges, alerted Osborne to a research vacancy at Conservative Central Office. working for the Conservative Party as a researcher, special adviser, speechwriter and strategist.


Getting to know all about finance….I think not!


So he knows next to nothing about his job, what it is about, but has advisors to feed him information which he regurgitates convincingly.


They said the soldiers in the WW1 were lions led by donkeys, we are now being led by IDIOTS! It’s proof that PR works, the British believe anything if the packaging and advertising looks professional!!!!!


Its all on WIKIPEDIA


I used to enjoy watching the Apprentice on BBC1, laughing at the pretentions and incompetence of the jumped up competitors. Now I don't find it so funny. It's people like these running the country, big on talk and corporate speak, but in reality, couldn't organise a p*** up in a brewery...

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I used to enjoy watching the Apprentice on BBC1, laughing at the pretentions and incompetence of the jumped up competitors. Now I don't find it so funny. It's people like these running the country, big on talk and corporate speak, but in reality, couldn't organise a p*** up in a brewery...


I presume you will be standing at the next General Election.

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Maybe being led by educated idiots with a great PR machine behind them is really just as relevant as pick a celebrity to run the country.


Like Arnie in california?

tbh I'd rather see Russell Brand at the head of any three of the political parties

At least he shows a bit of honesty when he speaks.

With the educated people behind him I have little doubt that even he could compare favourably against Osborne and Cameron.

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