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Ian Brady=do we need his opinion

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Given what Ian Brady has done, and given what the majority of psychiatrists involved with him believe him to be i.e am attention seeking control freak, who loves to be the one waxing lyrical about him and his needs/ideas/beliefs who thinks his crimes are 'petty' do we really need to give him a stage on which to strut, or should his recent public tribunal have bee much less reported than it was?

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I think it's good to see that he still craves attention, I sincerely hope that it is burning him up inside that he is no longer considered newsworthy.


Let us hope that his so called misery on earth is compounded, and lasts for many long lonely years to come.


As for your last point, i would hope that any further attempt at grabbing the limelight is met with a stony silence from the media.

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I think it's good to see that he still craves attention, I sincerely hope that it is burning him up inside that he is no longer considered newsworthy.


Let us hope that his so called misery on earth is compounded, and lasts for many long lonely years to come.


As for your last point, i would hope that any further attempt at grabbing the limelight is met with a stony silence from the media.


He is considered newsworthy. I didn't see a front page yesterday without his face on it. people want to read about him and be repulsed and horrified.

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I think it's good to see that he still craves attention, I sincerely hope that it is burning him up inside that he is no longer considered newsworthy.


Let us hope that his so called misery on earth is compounded, and lasts for many long lonely years to come.


As for your last point, i would hope that any further attempt at grabbing the limelight is met with a stony silence from the media.


But that's my point his situation has been given wall to wall coverage in all the newspapers/ radio etc. I don't care what he thinks, how he feels, whether he wants to be/is alive or dead. He's too vile for words.

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