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Archaeology a roadblock?

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When needs must.

And what about the action of the Historical zealots when someone buys an old building and wants to preserve it. They are not allowed to alter it in any way that obscures its original character. Talk about clinging to the past. In many cases if the person didn't preserve it the building would fall down! It's the builders and innovators of this world who have value, not those who are afraid to move on. Are they scared to do so? Or lacking in confidence, perhaps, or devoid of any new ideas? Why must they always be the road blocks? Merely "their interest in the past"? How selfish is that, megalithic?

some probably would develop a historical building keeping its historical roots in tact, but sadly some wont, thats why i presume theres rules in place to make sure you cant change buildings willy nilly?

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They're doing a job protecting our history for you, for me, and all our future children, it's anything but selfish. What's your take on the damage done to a national monument, purely for selfish reasons ?


Our history is considerably bigger than just some old buildings. I know why they're doing it and I know their intention is good but a nation cannot survive on its old buildings. Why don't they preserve the roads for example? We need better roads right now. How does our past affect our future, would you say? About Priddy circles, why should my take on these be any different? Is it because they aren't buildings? The main theme of my argument is that all these things, decayed old houses or circles, are things of the past and have almost no bearing on possible ways of solving our present problems.

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