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Mosque attacked .

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You do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy on posts related to racial discrimination, BMEs, and 'whiteys' (and your continued use of the term fools no one as to your ethnicity or motivation).


Even to the point of creating threads about why Pakistanis are under represented in rural England, and about Asians selling fish and chips that are better quality than British fish and chips, and how this proves that the English are a busted flush.


Why would you create these threads if it wasn't to stir up a bit of trouble?


When race hate crimes are on the increase, the EDL and UKIP are recruiting more members daily, and the Islamification of UK continues, of course folk are gonna want to talk about it, we're regressing back to 1930's Germany.


Its the sheer amount of posters and folk like yourself which are actually part of the problem. Practically refusing to even acknowledge racial hatred exists and always defending Islam only further exacerbates problems.


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 22:41 ----------


who cares what colour he is .its a racist term or is racism a one way street ?


We've been through this before on the other thread. It isn't racist term, many folk I work with use it regularly to describe a certain demographic.

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Its the sheer amount of posters and folk like yourself which are actually part of the problem. Practically refusing to even acknowledge racial hatred exists and always defending Islam only further exacerbates problems.


islamophobia is in the same ballpark as race hate :suspect:

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