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Should the Met be allowed to discriminate against whites?

Should the Met be allowed to discriminate against whites?  

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  1. 1. Should the Met be allowed to discriminate against whites?

    • Yes
    • No

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Why would it bother anyone what colour our police officers are, the best candidate should always get the job regardless of colour. I’m not a racist so the ethnicity of the police officer is irrelevant providing they are doing a good job. We shouldn’t pander to the racists that only want to be policed by officers from their own ethnic group.

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Why would it bother anyone what colour our police officers are, the best candidate should always get the job regardless of colour. I’m not a racist so the ethnicity of the police officer is irrelevant providing they are doing a good job. We shouldn’t pander to the racists that only want to be policed by officers from their own ethnic group.


It's been proven that they aren't doing a good job. At the moment they get less applicants from ethnic minorities party due to their reputation as racist. Their reputation of being white & racist also attracts white racists to the job.


So if nothing is done, the same white racists will apply to become police officers, get accepted & it'll continue to be a racist force dominated by officers from one ethnic group, many of them racists, like it always has been.

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It's a Politically Correct mind f**k. "It's OK for me to discriminate, because I'm right. But you can't discriminate, because you're wrong".



as the growth of London's ethnic minority populations makes the gap between the police ranks and those they serve wider than ever


Surely this alone would solve the problem?



Some police chiefs fear overly white forces, especially in urban areas, risk damaging the legitimacy of policing


So if a black police office tells me to do something he has less legitimacy (in my eyes) because he's not part of the same racial/ethnic group as me?

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I see the arguments for getting more non whites into the police, but I don't agree with this method of achieving it.


Rather than create quotas, it would be more beneficial and less problematic to target under represented groups in order engage their interest in joining the police service.

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I'm not a believer in any sort of discrimination, however, I do believe there will be people from different backgrounds who will have more understanding and experience of issues in some neighbourhoods. Part of the recruitment process could be to weight language skills and/or cultural understanding for some jobs.


When we recruited for a bunch of frontline customer service jobs in the public sector, we ringfenced a minority of vacancies to include people with sign language skills, as we recognised the need in our customer base. Having staff that could communicate effectively was far more satisfactory for members of the public than having to send out (and pay)for specialists.


The people who were recruited to those jobs had to have the basic abilities to even get to interview stage, and they then competed with others who also had the range of skills. However, nearly all the jobs were open to anyone who met the job spec. I see no reason why the Met couldn't organise their recruitment in a similar way, with the majority of vacancies open to anyone.


I just see it as common sense to have police who reflect, to some extent, the communities that they work in.

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It's been proven that they aren't doing a good job. At the moment they get less applicants from ethnic minorities party due to their reputation as racist. Their reputation of being white & racist also attracts white racists to the job.


So if nothing is done, the same white racists will apply to become police officers, get accepted & it'll continue to be a racist force dominated by officers from one ethnic group, many of them racists, like it always has been.


Would you like to share the evidence which proves the Met is a racist police force doing a poor job?

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Will this address the issue or just cause more racial problems?


Positive discrimination is still discrimination.

Its wrong and in this case its racist. If ethnics and immigrants want to get on in the UK then they should do son on their own merits. NOT because of some box ticking exercise. This will only lessen their achievements and cheapen their role.


---------- Post added 28-06-2013 at 09:06 ----------


like it or not England is still a white majority country, but we DO have very large ethnic communities, there is a small trickle of ethnic minorities who join up, its not about discriminating against the indigenous, its about making its ranks look less like a racist institution and more like a force in the 21st centuary, AND being able to police these communities better


Sorry mel but thats just claptrap.

Its wrong. Full stop!

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I'm not a believer in any sort of discrimination, however, I do believe there will be people from different backgrounds who will have more understanding and experience of issues in some neighbourhoods. Part of the recruitment process could be to weight language skills and/or cultural understanding for some jobs.


When we recruited for a bunch of frontline customer service jobs in the public sector, we ringfenced a minority of vacancies to include people with sign language skills, as we recognised the need in our customer base. Having staff that could communicate effectively was far more satisfactory for members of the public than having to send out (and pay)for specialists.


Why did you feel you had to 'ringfence a number of vacancies'? - From what you said, there were two distinct sets of jobs:


A set of jobs for people with a certain set of skills which included sign language


a set of jobs for people who had those skills but did not have the ability to sign.


If you advertise them separately (or make it clear that there are differences in the knowledge, skills and abilities required) then I doubt anybody would be able to come up with a valid complaint.


The people who were recruited to those jobs had to have the basic abilities to even get to interview stage, and they then competed with others who also had the range of skills. However, nearly all the jobs were open to anyone who met the job spec. I see no reason why the Met couldn't organise their recruitment in a similar way, with the majority of vacancies open to anyone.


I just see it as common sense to have police who reflect, to some extent, the communities that they work in.


Surely, all the vacancies would still be open to everyone? If you start ring-fencing culture, (by saying that only people of a particular culture can understand other people of that culture) you are going to build more racial barriers than you destroy.


Why not go all the way and say that 'the cultures are separate, but equal' - the doctrine in the US which was used to justify segregation.

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It's a Politically Correct mind f**k. "It's OK for me to discriminate, because I'm right. But you can't discriminate, because you're wrong".





Surely this alone would solve the problem?





So if a black police office tells me to do something he has less legitimacy (in my eyes) because he's not part of the same racial/ethnic group as me?



About 13 years ago the support worker job I applied and got (with a council) was on a GOQ basis (Genuine Occupational Qualification). The job required a male for the job rather than a female.


Why was it not right for my employers to discriminate? Why was it 'a poilitically correct mindf**k'?

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