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Touch Rugby anyone?

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I don't know Mark to be honest - I can't make it as I have a meeting to go to.


I know the lights can only come on Thursdays, but after Sat there was no definite decision about whether to go ahead this week.

I'll just check FB, but to be honest I think the light may be almost gone even by 6pm!


ETA: Nothing's been posted there about yes or no for Weds - perhaps just turn up if it's not too much of a hassle?


I'll be down at 10am on Sat if nothing else!

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Afraid the light's not going to be good enough to play tomorrow, it's starting to get dodgy by half 6ish now.


We are hoping we'll have temporary lights for this Thursday for those that can make it. Unfortunately at the moment this will be for one night a week only but there are plans in place for a permanent solution.

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I think so - there's really not enough light now to get any session worth it in.


So from now on it'll be Thurs evenings (Forgers from 6- 7:30 and touch from 7 onwards) and Sat mornings dependent on Forgers matches, but usually 10am start?


When the daylight comes back next year we can consider going back to Wednesdays, depending on which is the better for most people.

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