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Touch Rugby anyone?

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Got an idea for a new format that I wanted to bounce around...


Rather than have a three team tournament every week on alternative weeks split the group in 2. Have one 6 a side game and a smaller 4 a side game. The smaller game will be more of a developmental game for people who are new to rugby.


This will give newcomers a chance to get a lot more ball time, be the key decision makers in the game, develop their basic skills and boost confidence. Each side could have a more experienced player each to make up numbers and offer advice (there role would be to take a back seat and maybe we could have a rule were they couldn't score tries).


What do people think?

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This sounds good to me - I'll copy and paste onto the facebook discussion board if that's alright with you. Chris and I discussed this last night as well -we really want the sessions to be accessible and inviting to people of all standards, especially newbies, so having these two games would be great.

It's great to have the numbers of experienced players coming along, and the experience and skills they offer are invaluable especially when it comes to working up moves and game plans, but we should try to make sure this does not deter new people, and that the advice/coaching can reach everyone!

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Don't worry AO, no new set-up, just more players which is great!! We are starting to lose the light now so are in the process of coming up with some plans to keep training going during the autumn/winter for people who want to, so we are ready for joining leagues etc next spring! We also want to keep encouraging new people to come get involved so are hoping to organise some friendlies.

Keep an eye on facebook for discussions about it - hope to see you soon.

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Have you decided on a night for touch rugby yet. Could have a few ex-rugby league women interested in it. Thanks


We play every Wednesday from 7:30, just off Queens Road... behind the Earl pub. Here is more info:




You and your friends are welcome to join us and I hope to see you down there.



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Hi everyone - bit of important news.

As the nights are drawing in (!) playing behind the Earl is getting a bit dangerous due to the low quality playing surface and lack of room!

A few of us propose a move to the pitches where the Sheffield Forgers play, for a few more weeks anyway whilst we can get away with no lights.

When it is properly dark we have a few options:

  1. to start up again in earnest in the spring
  2. to join Sheffield Forgers saturday morning sessions at All Saints
  3. to find a floodlit venue to continue evening sessions through the winter

We are working on 3) at the moment so watch this space.

1) - A few of us went to the Sat morning sesh with Forgers and it was great, and they'd like us to keep coming along too. we will have enough room to run a couple of different sessions a la Mike_06's suggestions above so we can keep it accessible and informal. It's from 10 - 12 at All Saints so do come if you can!

We're hoping to get a friendly match or two over the winter at weekends, but if anyone wants to just come back in the spring then that's perfectly fine too - we will definitely have a fledgling club to welcome you back to!


So in summary (phew)

Wednesday Sessions - 7:30 - 9 ish Now At All Saints College, Granville Rd, S2 (next to Goals). Loads of parking and close to bus and tram.

Saturday Sessions with the Forgers - 10 - 12 ish at All Saints


Everyone Is Welcome no matter what standard, experience, fitness and so on!


As AO said above, keep an eye on facebook too for more details...

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