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EDL's Tommy Robinson arrested..yet again!

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its what they believe in...and throw their money at it...what about the eastbank defence league....think i could flog some sweatshirts...:hihi::hihi:

BF might buy one :thumbsup:


as long as it doesnt include the colours blue and white in it :P

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You're answering a different question - you're speculating on his intentions for making the walk in the first place. I was asking if you had any idea why he chose to deliberately ignore the limits imposed on his walk.





That isn't why he was arrested. He was arrested because he chose to ignore the limits placed on his choice of route.


Exactly the same laws were used to arrest a large number of anti fascists a couple of weeks ago. They sat down in a road to try and block a march by the BNP.


You condemn those arrests equally don't you?


Well thats just silly. Sitting down in a road? Im not surprised they were moved on and some arrested. If they were also trying to stop a legitimate (sort of) political party going about its legitimate business then its quite right they were moved.


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 11:40 ----------



You condemn those arrests equally don't you?


No for the reasons ive already given.


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 11:40 ----------


What about it?

Ask a specific question of me and I shall answer.


No thanks :)

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What about the rest of my post? Or are you just cherry picking what suits?


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 11:35 ----------


I think ive answered your question well enough. He did what he did for reason only really known to himself. If i could have the ability to read peoples minds id be very rich by now.


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 11:37 ----------



Those limits that were imposed were wrong. If i were him and i wanted to do a charity walk i wouldnt listen to the police either. They are our servants, not our masters. Sometimes they forget that.

funny you failed to answer halibuts question about those anti bnp protestors that were arrested a few weeks ago, are you against those arrests too?

or is it just right wing extremists right to protest and go anywhere they like?


who mentioned cherry picking?


oh ok eventually you answered it, post redundent

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funny you failed to answer halibuts question about those anti bnp protestors that were arrested a few weeks ago, are you against those arrests too?

or is it just right wing extremists right to protest and go anywhere they like?


I could put the reverse question to you mel, I've seen you criticise the way protests are policed on this forum in the past, you've got quite the rebel streak every now and then, or is it just left wing protests right to protest anywhere they like?

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I could put the reverse question to you mel, I've seen you criticise the way protests are policed on this forum in the past, you've got quite the rebel streak every now and then, or is it just left wing protests right to protest anywhere they like?

i believe ANYBODY has the right to protest BUT like ive said this is more complicated, they are deliberetly doing things to rile people up, to cause hatred and distrust between 2 communities, to continue feeding the tit to tat crap that exists

take this "walk" it wasnt a protest, it came under the guise of a "sponsored" walk, he deliberetly changed from the agreed route to cause maximum outrage and public disorder

same with the london and other places riots of a few years back, that wasnt a protest as originally taken, it was greedy people out for what they could get that wasnt theres, i was against that too


funnily enough ive also been arrested under the public order act too ;)

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funny you failed to answer halibuts question about those anti bnp protestors that were arrested a few weeks ago, are you against those arrests too?

or is it just right wing extremists right to protest and go anywhere they like?


who mentioned cherry picking?


oh ok eventually you answered it, post redundent


I answered it in turn. Post nothing.

Dont worry about apologising for your error. It would only be as meaningless as 99% of your posts.

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I'm surprised at this, especially given your comments after meeting them the other weekend.


They knew they'd be arrested for doing what they did; they haven't been arrested for criticising Islam, not even remotely. They were arrested because they didn't stick to the pre-arranged route that the police had imposed on them. Exactly the same powers and laws that saw 60 plus anti-fascists arrested for sitting down in the road a few weeks ago to stop the BNP.


There is no right to free protest in this country wherever you like. Have a look here. The police can basically determine how you do it and how many of you do it, and if you choose not to stick to the arrangements, you'll get arrested.


We can argue the rights and wrongs of the legislation, but it applies to everyone. Claiming that EDL leaders have been arrested for criticising Islam and are therefore free speech martyrs who should be supported is just factually incorrect.


Only someone who was sympathetic to them in the first place could really see this as the state cracking down on them because it's illegal to criticise Islam. Y'all should probably pay more attention to the state cracking down on everyone. Remember the grossly disproportionate sentences handed out after the London riots? Remember Archie Meadows? The UK Uncut Fortnum and Mason arrests? The preemptive visits known activists get from the Met before demos?


As a general tendency, I don't see Sheffield Forum leaping to the defence of left-wing protesters when they get arrested. It's never a case then of the state proving them right with their heavy-handed policing, is it? No, in those situations it's the police rightfully showing students and the unwashed who's boss and reminding them what a decent country we live in.


And yet, miraculously, when it comes to Tommy and Kev suddenly a white Englishman's right to propagate vile racist and Islamophobic tripe becomes a hugely important thing to fight for and action by the state only confirms their righteous message. Strange that.


so tommy and kev wakl along asking for the police to tell them where to go asking the officers all the time then these two idiots walk up and attack kevin and tommy and kevin walk on and get arrested . The bigger problem is the uaf and there cronies who wont let walks and protests happen but let extremists do there marches with placards telling police to go to hell and death to non believers that seems ok for the anti facists .

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I answered it in turn. Post nothing.

Dont worry about apologising for your error. It would only be as meaningless as 99% of your posts.

sorry for apologising, seems your far too nasty to accept apologising when i posted something wrongly :huh::rolleyes:


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 12:04 ----------


so tommy and kev wakl along asking for the police to tell them where to go asking the officers all the time then these two idiots walk up and attack kevin and tommy and kevin walk on and get arrested . The bigger problem is the uaf and there cronies who wont let walks and protests happen but let extremists do there marches with placards telling police to go to hell and death to non believers that seems ok for the anti facists .

as i see it they had a predefined route that they knew about they chose to detour off it

no asking as they went needed

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They weren't going to cause a riot though, there were very few of them and they were walking with the police.


The police stopped them from walking through the area because they were afraid of what others would do if they did continue.


That's just plain wrong.


If I say or do something that offends you, but doesn't harm you or anyone else and does'nt break the law, and the police think that you are likely to punch me in the face for it, you should be the one who gets arrested, not me.


And yes, I do strongly defend left wing protests as well, you'll find no double standards here.


The double standards on display in this thread are equally distasteful on both sides. As you've rightly pointed out we've got all the right wingers who suddenly think protest is a sacred right, but on the flip side all the left wingers who would are usually very in favour of protest and very much against the way that protests are policed, but all of a sudden they're totally in favour of the police shutting down protests unjustly, just as long as it's someone they disagree with being shut down.


The police told them in advance of the march that they couldn't walk through the area. They then tried to walk through the area. They were in breach of the conditions imposed on the march and that's why they were arrested.


As I said in my first post, the rights and wrongs of the legislation are one matter. But I was responding to a post that basically stated that the EDL had been somehow 'proved right' by this police response because criticising Islam is illegal. It isn't, and that's Tommy Robinson's line, and repeating it uncritically with no acknowledgment that the police's control over protests applies across the spectrum just seems a bit off to me.


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 12:06 ----------


so tommy and kev wakl along asking for the police to tell them where to go asking the officers all the time then these two idiots walk up and attack kevin and tommy and kevin walk on and get arrested . The bigger problem is the uaf and there cronies who wont let walks and protests happen but let extremists do there marches with placards telling police to go to hell and death to non believers that seems ok for the anti facists .


Yes, UAF are definitely the bigger problem here. That and our amazingly left-wing government and police force who of course are so extremely right on that they don't dare let a few racists just have their say. It's a cruel, hard world, isn't it?

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sorry for apologising, seems your far too nasty to accept apologising when i posted something wrongly :huh::rolleyes:


Nasty? You mean as nasty as posting a blatant untruth then leaving it there instead of deleting it?

You're the nasty one. Prove me wrong by apologising and removing the lie then youll see how nice i can be.

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