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EDL's Tommy Robinson arrested..yet again!

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yes blame it on the "pc brigade" rather than a hateful bunch of bigots causing trouble and strife who people see straight through and want nothing to do with :rolleyes:


Can you read mel ? You really do need to take in what you have read before you respond, your just keyboard happy and have successfully posted over 41,000 repeat posts :loopy:

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"I'm going to walk through London because it's my right, and if people are offended by me then so be it."


Can't see anything wrong in that myself Chris. A bit like the civil rights movement of the US back when whites found it offensive for blacks to be on the same sidewalk.

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Can you read mel ? You really do need to take in what you have read before you respond, your just keyboard happy and have successfully posted over 41,000 repeat posts :loopy:

i read what you posted and what i said still stands, however yet again you fail to respond to the subject i posted about and instead make an attack on me, well done for taking us off topic yet again :thumbsup:

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Yep political correctness once again

The bogey man. Ooooo-ooooh.


Help For Heroes doesn't want anything to do with them. Now another charity doesn't want anything to do with them - but it's not the EDL's fault. Blame someone else.


Here's an idea. Just a small idea. If they really want to raise money for charity - do a fun run, like normal people. The "Walk of Death" that ends in arrest isn't quite the image that charities jump at.

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The bogey man. Ooooo-ooooh.


Help For Heroes doesn't want anything to do with them. Now another charity doesn't want anything to do with them - but it's not the EDL's fault. Blame someone else.


Here's an idea. Just a small idea. If they really want to raise money for charity - do a fun run, like normal people. The "Walk of Death" that ends in arrest isn't quite the image that charities jump at.




This toad always surfaces on BNP / EDL threads claiming not to be a supporter, why don't these people ever admit what they stand for?

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This toad always surfaces on BNP / EDL threads claiming not to be a supporter, why don't these people ever admit what they stand for?

like the EDL / BNP


the cover is always a nice family friendly charade, its only when you dig deeper you find the venom, hatred and paranoia

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The edl and uaf have much in common according to this piece in the Independent. The uaf appoints a vice-chair who openly detests Jewish people and calls for protests on Holocaust Memorial Day.


The uaf has a much more diverse membership. The edl looks like it contains the rabble you would expect to find drinking in pubs at away games and harassing passers-by who happen to have breasts or dark skin.

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so to sum up




A: they were offered a route and declined so got it "imposed" on them, due to the threat of public disorder


B: they were arrested for "obstructing police"


C: 2 men were also arrested for assault (some people seem to be trying to make out this didnt happen Oo)


D: this article talks of a march AND an assembly, NOT a stroll, or a walk, or a sponsored walk


E: not once was the UAF mentioned in any articles ive seen on the subject, unlike on here, surprisingly :roll:

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so to sum up




A: they were offered a route and declined so got it "imposed" on them, due to the threat of public disorder


B: they were arrested for "obstructing police"


C: 2 men were also arrested for assault (some people seem to be trying to make out this didnt happen Oo)


D: this article talks of a march AND an assembly, NOT a stroll, or a walk, or a sponsored walk


E: not once was the UAF mentioned in any articles ive seen on the subject, unlike on here, surprisingly :roll:


My bold - the title of your linked article is "Two EDL members arrested in London at 'sponsored walk'"

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it wasnt a blatant untruth

Yes it was and it still is if its there. I havent checked yet but im sure you avent bothered to delete it.

Ill go and have a peek now.


Edit. Yes its still there. Not that im surprised in the slightest.


---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 14:27 ----------


it wasnt a blatant untruth it was posted after the quote you replied to but didnt reply to that bit until later on after i'd posted mine, i saw it and edited in an apology

i didnt delete because


A: you cant

B: if i removed the text and somebody had already quoted me itd have looked odd, so i left it and edited in an apology


Be honest though Mel. It wasnt a very good apology though was it. Do you fancy giving it another go?

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