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EDL's Tommy Robinson arrested..yet again!

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Do you think the police would have any right to prevent him or even try to?

dunno prolly never going to happen

however, i should imagine thered be enough none muslim people outraged that there would be public disorder, so yes

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dunno prolly never going to happen

however, i should imagine thered be enough none muslim people outraged that there would be public disorder, so yes


Why do you make such an assumption, he does it all the time without any loss of public order.

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lol yeah like that matters :rolleyes:

ive said already, how would you like choudry and his pals stomping round your neighbourhood? outside your house? in doubt itd go down too well

I wouldn't like it anymore than people in Luton liked it,but no one stopped him then. I might not like it, but I'd not go out into the street and take the law into my own hands, because I know who'd end up banged up ... and it wouldn't be him on present evidence, would it.


Robinson and Carroll did nothing wrong, were assaulted, and yet they ended up arrested and now out on bail ... pending enquiries. :huh:


It stinks.

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Why do you make such an assumption, he does it all the time without any loss of public order.

you mean standing outside a mosque and ranting?

its not really in the middle of a none muslim neighbourhood is it?

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..and it's yours that leads you to believe the EDLs motives were totally innocent and without a cynical eye on using the event for political PR purposes.


No I am just stating it how it is and not speculating about their motives at all. Two men were walking with a police escort and asking the police which direction they should walk, everything looked fine until another person assaulted them, then the police made up a charge and arrested them.

What did they actually do that could be deemed offensive to anyone?

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you mean standing outside a mosque and ranting?

its not really in the middle of a none muslim neighbourhood is it?




^^ Anjem Choudhary proselytizing outside St Paul's Cathederal on Christmas Eve 2012. LOOK NO RIOT!


Now I wonder if other groups such as Christians or Jews or even EDL would be allowed to hand out leaflets outside say East London Mosque during Ramadan or Eid??

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^^ Anjem Choudhary proselytizing outside St Paul's Cathederal on Christmas Eve 2012. LOOK NO RIOT!


Now I wonder if other groups such as Christians or Jews or even EDL would be allowed to hand out leaflets outside say East London Mosque during Ramadan or Eid??

try it, see how you get on, let us know :thumbsup:

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