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Don't want to waste A+E time.. Stress Fracture.. Help?

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Hi All


I thought I'd ask on here for help. I am pretty sure I have a stress fracture on my foot.. Metatarsal head to be exact. I don't think it is an acute fracture because I haven't had any nasty impacts and it has flared up from playing football.


It is extremely painful, when I forget and then stand up it is a sharp pain that makes me really wince. It isn't bruised and doesn't really hurt when there isn't pressure on it apart from a dull ache after walking or playing football.


I've looked online and they suggest an X-ray may be needed, but with A+E pressures being like they are, is it worth me going? I don't want to waste anyones time, but I'm not sure my GP can help either.


Anyone else ever had a stress fracture?

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Go to A&E. Get it X-rayed. You're not wasting anybody's time.


If you don't and it heals badly, you could end up with significant levels of chronic pain later on in life.


What Rupert says is 100% spot on.

A&E are under stress I agree but it's what it's there for.

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I thought I might have had a stress fracture as I had similar problems to you, I couldn't walk on it, I went to the GP and he said it was likely tendonitus (as there had been no actual injury and no bruising etc), he prescribed anti-inflammatories and it finally got better after a couple of months of taking them religiously (if I forgot to take it I paid for it in pain!) and walking on it as little as humanly possible (I took to swimming instead of walking) and touch wood hasn't flared up again so far.


So, might be worth a chat with your GP first, and he could refer you if he thinks necessary?

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Go to A&E. Get it X-rayed. You're not wasting anybody's time.


If you don't and it heals badly, you could end up with significant levels of chronic pain later on in life.


What Rupert said.

I know from experience (I have a permanently crooked little finger thanks to my ignorance).

Also once got a friend to stitch my hand with fishing line because there was an average 5hr wait at A+E. Looking back, that was pretty dumb but luckily it turned out okay.

Go to the hospital!

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Can I make a suggestion? Go to the minor injuries unit at the Hallamshire instead, where you will wait a lot shorter time to be seen and will not feel like you're taking up the precious resources of a full A&E department.


Wherever you go you are likely to end up with having an x-ray so you may as well just bite the bullet and get it done so you know for sure whether you do have a fracture, as the treatment for fracture and soft tissue injury may differ.


In the mean time, remember RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation are the treatments for pretty much any injury that may involve soft tissue damage (including tendons).


For what it's worth, I find fractured bones, separated growth plates, sprains and all sorts of other injuries can be pretty much painless when they aren't weight bearing, so that's not really a diagnostic factor.

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