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Don't want to waste A+E time.. Stress Fracture.. Help?

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Ah, SF at its finest.


Daid: don't worry pal, I'm at A&E now so you won't have to wait long before you do everyone a favour..


Rascal: sorry that I did not give a specific time. I hope you slept OK in spite of this. I was initially worried that going while I was supposed to be working wouldn't be conducive to my long term employment but I am here now within 24 hours of putting the question up, so I hope that is indeed quick enough to give assurances about the severity of pain for you.




---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 10:51 ----------


Just home.


X-Ray showed no break thankfully, but diagnosed with Tendonitis.


Cheers to all who encouraged me to go, probably wouldn't have otherwise..


I've changed my mind, in part that's thanks to you, somehow my life doesn't seem quite so bad :D

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I have had tendonitis a couple of times and have had a lot of physio treatment and exercises to heal and prevent it coming back again-everyone on here seems to just be resting and taking anti-inflammatories:confused:


theres a reason why you get tendonitis if you don't fix the reason won't you just get it again:huh:?


Its a horrible injury and I was not prepared to get it again!

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I have had tendonitis a couple of times and have had a lot of physio treatment and exercises to heal and prevent it coming back again-everyone on here seems to just be resting and taking anti-inflammatories:confused:


theres a reason why you get tendonitis if you don't fix the reason won't you just get it again:huh:?


Its a horrible injury and I was not prepared to get it again!


I am scared of getting it again as it was so painful and debilitating... touch wood though it's been about a year now and it's not come back. Most people I've spoken to who have had it seemed to have had a bout without it happening again so fingers crossed!


Did your physio person say what actually causes it? I have no idea why I got it as I hadn't had new shoes, hadn't done anything in terms of walking etc that I didn't do every day, I just didn't understand why I got it at all.


I have other feet problems though like I can't wear any sort of boot that covers my ankle bone or I get massive inflammatory type pain in the outer knobble (for want of the correct anatomical term!!)

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I am scared of getting it again as it was so painful and debilitating... touch wood though it's been about a year now and it's not come back. Most people I've spoken to who have had it seemed to have had a bout without it happening again so fingers crossed!


Did your physio person say what actually causes it? I have no idea why I got it as I hadn't had new shoes, hadn't done anything in terms of walking etc that I didn't do every day, I just didn't understand why I got it at all.


I have other feet problems though like I can't wear any sort of boot that covers my ankle bone or I get massive inflammatory type pain in the outer knobble (for want of the correct anatomical term!!)


I have had it three times but the last time was the only time I had physio for it.


Mine was due to an old injury (ligament damage in my foot) which gave me an instability causing the whole of my one side-ankle, knee and hip to behave strangely. The physio was to repair the damage in my foot and hip.


It was obvious (in retrospect)-when I sat in the car my one knee naturally went inwards rather than being straight and I had not been able to run for many years (which I thought was just laziness and psychological) but now I am able to run a little without developing ankle or knee pain.


Bold sounds exactly like mine was early on, I started noticing that some shoes hurt at the ankle, gradually more of my shoes became a problem-then I noticed a marble sized swelling on my achilles (not the bone though!) and realised I had it again. There are lots of physio exercises on the internet for it (but they will not necessarily repair the initial cause) and I had ultrasound treatment. A lot of the physio was just about stretching-I used to have real trouble getting up and down the stairs in the morning even though I was quite physically fit. The physio had me stretching 3 times a day doing the achilles, calves and hamstrings, along with achilles strengthening exercises.


I payed for private physio because it was costing me a fortune in bus fares anyway and I was missing a lot of sport-it was very worth it though! It feels better than it has for 10 years now:thumbsup:



All incoherent ramblings but I would definitely consider paying to see a physio if you have it!!

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