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Should they keep treating Mandela?

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As human beings, this is what separates us from animals - we look after our ill and terminally sick. Long may it continue.





There comes a time where the the peacefulness of death is preferable to a life of pain and suffering. A life without quality is not worth living.


Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.:cool:

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I think South Africa will explode with riots when he dies. The whole country will end up as bad as Zimbabwe, very sad. I had relatives living there but they have long since moved to Australia, they say that the country is going to ruin with the ANC in charge.


For the past several years Mandela has been as they say "mostly out of it mentally" on account of his very advanced years so he's had no part in running the country or even been consulted in the decison making process so your statement makes little sense or logic.

S.A is very rich in natural resources unlike Zimbabwe so come what may it will survive

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I think we're drifting away from the topic of the OP Rupert, but I find it hard to describe someone who's denied self determination, access to the democratic platform and are subjugated by a minority, a terrorist.


Do you mean like Menachim Begin, the leader of Irgun (whose favourite means of executing British Soldiers was to hang them with barbed wire?)


When he became Prime Minister, his history 'went away'.


Mandela was classified as a terrorist by many governments for decades. The ANC (of which he was undisputed leader) committed many terrorist acts and tortured both its opponents and dissidents amongst its own membership.


ANC atrocities committed during apartheid


Mandela became 'reformed' (strange [and topical] how some people can be reformed but others can't isn't it?)

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Do you mean like Menachim Begin, the leader of Irgun (whose favourite means of executing British Soldiers was to hang them with barbed wire?)


When he became Prime Minister, his history 'went away'.


Mandela was classified as a terrorist by many governments for decades. The ANC (of which he was undisputed leader) committed many terrorist acts and tortured both its opponents and dissidents amongst its own membership.


ANC atrocities committed during apartheid


Mandela became 'reformed' (strange [and topical] how some people can be reformed but others can't isn't it?)


Didnt you hear on the new recently that the British government is to pay 30 million pounds in compensation to the survivors of the Kenyans who took part in the uprising against the colonial government back in the early 50s and who were arrested and subjected to torture? :D


The rebels often invaded white owned plantations and hacked whole familes to death. I'm old enough to remember hearing that on the news of the day


Times change.. so do attitudes :D

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As human beings, this is what separates us from animals - we look after our ill and terminally sick. Long may it continue.




While I understand what you're saying, it is hard knowing the only thing keeping you alive is the medication, knowing nothing else can be done for you.

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My original point was with the NHS practically bankrupt, they are forced to treat people in Mandela's condition till they die.


Surely we should start looking at deciding that someone at 94 has had a good innings. By not spending £1000's of pounds on drugs for them would free up more money for cancer research etc


Some people at that age are happy to go.


Giving liver transplants to alcoholics or heart transplants to smokers is just ludicrousness.


Id rather give them to more deserving people.

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My original point was with the NHS practically bankrupt, they are forced to treat people in Mandela's condition till they die.


Surely we should start looking at deciding that someone at 94 has had a good innings. By not spending £1000's of pounds on drugs for them would free up more money for cancer research etc


Some people at that age are happy to go.


Giving liver transplants to alcoholics or heart transplants to smokers is just ludicrousness.


Id rather give them to more deserving people.


Perhaps the NHS should have a cut-off point based on age that can be changed depending on the austerity measures in place a bit like the retirement age. How much money would be saved if no one over 70 was automatically treated on the NHS? We could even have trading in 'years' and younger poor people could sell their rights to free health care to older people who need it.


This would also contribute to removing poor people from the system and increase the well being of the wider society.

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