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Tories finally admit shocking truth about Badger Cull

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There's no need to kill them at all. TB is spread by bad farmers. They want to kill Badgers to hide teir own shortcomings. NFU are behind this and they heavily donate to Tory party.




---------- Post added 30-06-2013 at 13:01 ----------



As you say its a goverment department, run by that well rounded human being Owen Paterson who says anti fox hunters are Nazis



Owen Patterson is a fox-hunter himself, not exactly the kind of measured person you want deciding the fate of our badgers and the means of controlling them - if it was necessary.

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Well the tories like their blood sports, they're desperately to bring back hunting with hounds.


Well there's no chance of that and no chance of a Badger Cull either. Sabs will easily stop the BC they have had years of experience with Fox Hunters.


Its less than 2 years till next election and Labour will scrap Badger Cull. Its a lose/lose situation for Tories.

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Why do you always pop up to fiercely defend everything the coalition does?


By your own admission you live in Florida and Germany so why do you even care?



None of your business, sunshine. I've as much right to post on this forum as you have. If you don't like my posts - report them and put me on your 'ignore' list.

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None of your business, sunshine. I've as much right to post on this forum as you have. If you don't like my posts - report them and put me on your 'ignore' list.


I don't doubt your right to post here. I question why you're here. Don't confuse the two.

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You think?


It depends what you've got in the shotgun. Regular shot certainly isn't good enough. Buckshot would kill a badger - but a shotgun loaded with buckshot isn't particularly accurate and the chances of merely wounding the animal would be high


At which point you finish it off with the other barrel, or your assistant does it for you. It's not the best way to kill an animal, but it's relatively quick.


Poisoning a rat however it either OD's on anti-coagulents and bleeds to deth over a number of hours/days.

or the poison turns to toxic phosphine gas inside the rats stomach.


or a particularly nasty one where Calciferols are used.

They cause mineralisation of the blood vessels, kidneys, the stomach wall and lungs.


Either way I can't see why people are up in arms against badgers being killed when it's perfectly acceptable to use the above methods to control the rat population.

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The Badger Kill story is a simple one. The spread of TB in cattle is because of bad farming practises. National Farmers Union (NFU) didn’t want to spend money cleaning their act up so instead blamed it on Badgers and demanded a Cull. NFU donate heavily to Tory party and indeed many are rich landowning Tory MPs so they thought they could easily start a Badger Cull without much opposition.


However, every animal charity objected to it and when a well know rock star like Brian May got involved people started to take notice. NFU and Defra are now looking complete fools because their lies have been exposed. With his backing for the Cull Cameron has proved he is in the hands of the Unions. The National Farmers Union.


The NFU claim to represent all farmers but represent only 18 %. None of them have been asked if they want a Badger Cull

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Why do you always pop up to fiercely defend everything the coalition does?


By your own admission you live in Florida and Germany so why do you even care?


So he points out a fact that its not coalition related and then the old "you're not from Sheffield, so why are you posting" pops up. That's really logical. You also could have criticised his grammar and spelling to deflect the issue. :)

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The Badger Kill story is a simple one. The spread of TB in cattle is because of bad farming practises. National Farmers Union (NFU) didn’t want to spend money cleaning their act up so instead blamed it on Badgers and demanded a Cull. NFU donate heavily to Tory party and indeed many are rich landowning Tory MPs so they thought they could easily start a Badger Cull without much opposition.


However, every animal charity objected to it and when a well know rock star like Brian May got involved people started to take notice. NFU and Defra are now looking complete fools because their lies have been exposed. With his backing for the Cull Cameron has proved he is in the hands of the Unions. The National Farmers Union.


The NFU claim to represent all farmers but represent only 18 %. None of them have been asked if they want a Badger Cull


Well said !!

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The Badger Kill story is a simple one. The spread of TB in cattle is because of bad farming practises. National Farmers Union (NFU) didn’t want to spend money cleaning their act up so instead blamed it on Badgers and demanded a Cull. NFU donate heavily to Tory party and indeed many are rich landowning Tory MPs so they thought they could easily start a Badger Cull without much opposition.



I'm not a vet, nor am I an expert in Zoonotic Tuberculosis (or any other animal disease, for that matter.


You claim: "The spread of TB in cattle is because of bad farming practises."


Please show us the proof. DEFRA Claim it's the badgers. Somebody is right - and (probably) the other is wrong. If you've got proof it's the farmers, you win.


If farmers really are tag swapping, if they are sending poor-quality cows off to be slaughtered as tuberculotic animals and putting infected animals into the food chain, then there are at least 2 very serious crimes there.


Why hasn't the person who made that claim delivered the evidence (s)he has to the police?


From the article cited by Retep:


"The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has confirmed there are no known cases where TB has been transmitted through eating meat and the risk of infection from eating meat, even if raw or undercooked, remains extremely low."


"Meat from slaughtered cattle is sold with no warning to processors or consumers that it comes from a bTB-infected herd."


"However, meat from TB reactors (animals that have failed tests for TB), once it has been passed as fit for human consumption, is not required to be marked in any way to distinguish it from other meat.


"Meat which passes the post-mortem inspection is fit for human consumption and does not need additional labelling."


If it's so good, why are they keeping the fact that it came fom tuberculotic animals a secret?


I don't suppose too many countries will be too keen to import beef from the UK.


Should tourists planning on visiting the UK bring their own food?


I do not approve of the method peoposed for culling badgers. Shooting

them in the dark is a bit too 'hit and (nearly) miss ' for my mind.


I don't like the idea of using poisons, either. - Most of the poisons used to kill animals are pretty nasty.


If Badgers do need to be culled, then gas may be an answer - provided a humane gsa can be used.

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