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Tories finally admit shocking truth about Badger Cull

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The NFU are being very quiet about the fact that after the decimation of the national herd during the foot and mouth outbreak, farmers rushed to restock without doing any TB screening of the beasts they were importing and breeding from.


This has more to do with the increased incidence of bovine TB in recent years than badgers.

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Badger Setts are below ground level, so presumably any heavier -than air - gas introduced to a sett would flow to the lowest point. Some badgers would be gassed, others might flee the sett (where they could be netted and shot.)


Fentanyl would be a humane gas (probably a bit expensive, though.)


The Australians use Phosphine to gas rabbits. IMO, it's probably not a pleasant way to die, but it beats the crap out of poisons like 1080 (used by the New Zealanders to kill Possum - along with any other unwary animals) which cause a lingering and very painful death

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Gassing comes with pretty major safety concerns tho, the anti-cull mob might have a fit if people announced they were gunna start gassing the badgers, as well as the cost issue.


I have no idea how much Fentyln gas costs, or how easy it is to obtain. But as it is a substance that can be abused it can't be easy or cheap to go around spraying it down badger sets.

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You asked for a humane gas. You can't get much more humane than Fentanyl.


Chokers (eg Carbon Dioxide)

Blood Agents (eg Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide and Hydrogen Cyanide)


may not be quite as humane as a general anaesthetic, but they're very much less cruel (IMO) than most of the poisons used to kill animals.

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