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Tai schools in Sheffield - what are the differences


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Hello all


After noticing that there were many Tai Chi schools in Sheffield, belonging to different styles, I have tried to find information on the differences and specificities of each (in relation ot each other; as in what does this one do which others don't offer), but without much success...


I would be very grateful if advanced students or instructors could enlighten me as to what these are?

I would be particularly interested to hear about the focus of your school (health, general relaxation, self defence, martial arts applications, reinforcement of martial arts techniques and efficiency)...


Is there a lot of emphasis on copying the teacher's form (without many explanations at first), or on the theory of Chi circulation, or both...?


Many thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some help


Best regards.

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Hi n_tomo,


Thanks for your reply.


I had seen the second site but will have a look at the first.


If you can think of any differences between that school and yours off the top of your head, I'd be very intersted to read them.



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Hi Voyager


If you want to do tai chi I would recommend you go and have a go with n_tomo he is one of the better people in Sheffield (has a lot of knowledge)


My tai chi (yang Style) is more for health, relaxation and flow but I only took it up to help assist my other training. (I have looked at the combat side but thats not what i focus on)

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