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Cannibis smell driving me mad help s8

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This is a sign of the times I'm afraid. I'd sooner smell weed than have some drunks playing loud music and arguing though. Personally, I don't mind the smell. I wouldn't want their smell to seep into my home though, but I don't mind it when its at someone elses or in the street.

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You do know that weed and smack are two different things right?

of course, but do you think it ends with the Cannabis, probability is they are using class A drugs also and could even be dealing?

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Love the idea of the plywood! Suspect my windows would get smashed in! As for drugs not being an age thing well that's true so forgive me.....maybe I did not express myself well enough...so to put it another way.... ' I can't believe that for a mature adult... Who on the face of it appears to be holding down a job , has a mortgage, has a family and are functioning members of their local community that they themselves would not be embarrassed and ashamed that they and their home permit a distinct smell to which the majority (but not all) find disgusting.....


My Bold=

For these reasons I would go round and have a quite word instead of going to the law first, they may like a smoke to unwind instead of a pint like some people and getting the coppers involved may mean losing their job etc.

A small spliff of "Super Skunk" as the papers call it can cause a big stink and your neighbour may not realise and may even stop after you have a word.

Hope you get it sorted....


---------- Post added 01-07-2013 at 16:09 ----------


of course, but do you think it ends with the Cannabis, probability is they are using class A drugs also and could even be dealing?


I tried my first spliff of weed about 23yrs ago, I have never taken or being tempted to try any class A drug's so your probability guess that they are using class A drugs is just you making wrong assumptions.

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