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Can anyone give me a rough value of each of these? (Glass Bowls)

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Hi I will be going to an antiques place or auction valuer but I was wondering if anyone on here could give me a rough estimation of each of these two glass bowls?


Information on them I know is that they are pre 1960. I know this because the cellar was bricked up and there is no other way down just knocked it through and found these diamond shape glass bowl & a square leaf cut bowl


Just a rough value of what you think they are worth so I have an idea when I go to a valuer OR if you are interested


Thanks Jack! (click or copy and past the links below to see them!)





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It depends on whether they're moulded or cut glass. Although neither is very popular at the moment. Depending on size, you can get them from charity shops or car boots from about £3-£5 for the moulded. The cut glass maybe a tenner?

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Honestly? I dont think the Auction House would be your best bet. Try putting them on Ebay when they have free listings promotions. When you need to find out what value objects have, use Ebay. Go to advanced search & select the completed listings option. What you think they are worth & what they actually sell for can be quite different. Especially if there are loads of the same kind of thing. Unfortunately, with bowls like these, there are loads! Charity shops & car boots struggle to sell them. On a good day you might get a fiver. But to be honest, most end up being reduced to a a couple of quid! They sell better at Xmas because people want them for trifles, nuts & stuff. Sorry!

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They don't look particularly nice either, kind of like what your nan would serve digestives on.


Bet knocking through into the cellar was fun tho, were you slightly apprehensive there might be something dodgy down there?

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Yeah I agree with you they don't look that great but some people might think they do.


'Spats' the reason I was taking them to auction because I have a load of other stuff to sell so I could do them in a box lot

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