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Iquan al Muslimeen HQ attacked in Egypt

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Either way, there was an election and it seems to have more or less fairly-run.

So the electorate are lumbered with the person whom the majority elected.

Why the riots, then?


Because the opposition vote was split during the elections. The run off vote between the final two candidates ended up being between Morsi and someone from the old regime. Morsi got in by promising consensus but has not so much failed to deliver it as done the exact opposite. Not just policies by the way but defining the new constitution of the country - so allowing him to continue would have bigger implications for the country that just the policies of a one term government. You can't really decide the constitution of a country in a partisan manner and expect everyone to agree to it.

Even were that all true, democracy means being lumbered with whomever the majority elected. Anarchy doesn't.

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Even were that all true, democracy means being lumbered with whomever the majority elected. Anarchy doesn't.


You're conflating democracy with tyranny of the majority. You of all people on this forum should be aware of the difference.

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Well let us not forget the USA backed "democracy" in Egypt, it being the acceptable type unlike the vote in Gaza a few years ago. Behing the government lurks the armed forces, who again the USA funds.


So its in the hands of the USA with Israel close at hand that play the game, and as for inflation, jobs, the people, and daily living for the population, well the backers are only interested in control and weaponising. Lets not forget a bigger game where the two interpretations of Islam is being used to wreck the area. Iran has to be bought to the living standards of Iraq, where we won the war, and left the country loving democracy, while western corporate interests get the oil, at knock down bribe prices. Also where is the envoy "Blair" in this turmoil? Stuffing his bank account no doubt!


Love the simplistic BBC propaganda, one sided concept of reality, simple explanations for simple folk???

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So its i the hands of the USA with Israel close at hand that play the game, and as for inflation, jobs, and daily living for the population, well the backers are only interested in control and weaponising. Lets not forget a bogger game where Islam is being used to wreck the area, and Iran has to be bought to the living standards of Iraq, where we won the war, and left the country loving democracy, while western corporate interests get the oil. at knock down bribes. Also where is the envoy "Blair" in this turmoil? Stuffing his bank account no doubt!

What, an entire paragraph wholly off-topic?

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Why is it 'tyranny' for an elected leader's term of office to run until it expires, please?


When he/she forgets that he/she has been elected to represent all the people equally, irrespective of whether they voted for him/her or not. It's quite obvious, and again I am puzzled why you of all people fail to understand this.


Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.

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The normal Egyptian Muslim is voting with his feet (and his Doc Martens) and giving the Muslim Brotherhood a proper (deserved) kicking.

That's not true at all, the normal Egyptian muslim is more likely to have voted for the Islamist government.


You've just chosen the set that you prefer and labelled them as 'normal' without much justification. What make the anti-morsi muslims more normal than the pro-morsi muslims?


---------- Post added 03-07-2013 at 18:05 ----------


Again: you must surely understand how democracy works. Yet your posts suggest otherwise.


He does indeed understand how democracy works, you however do not seem to. You seem to be under the impression that democracy is mob rule and tyranny of the majority, this is 2013 not Athens in 500BC. We've got a better system than that now.


It is not, that's fundamentally not what it's supposed to be at all.

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Morsi forgot all about democracy by his unconstitutional consolidation of executive power last November.

Let's assume that to be true (although it equally might not be). He's the President. They elected him. I imagine that you've read its Constitution, in order to substantiate your contention. He remains its President come what may, unless Egyptian law provides otherwise and he is removed according to it- i.e. not by an Army.

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