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Iquan al Muslimeen HQ attacked in Egypt

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Let's assume that to be true (although it equally might not be). He's the President. They elected him. I imagine that you've read its Constitution, in order to substantiate your contention. He remains its President come what may, unless Egyptian law provides otherwise and he is removed according to it- i.e. not by an Army.


But they were rewriting the constitution to suit their own Islamist agenda and ignoring other parties involved.


As of 2 minutes ago..


Quentin Sommerville BBC News, Cairo


We finally have an answer to the question "What happens when the deadline expires" - it means troops on the streets. I saw 8 armoured personnel carriers and heavily armed troops on a road where pro-Morsi supporters are. The army are fanning out across the city - it seems like they're taking control of Cairo and taking control of Egypt.

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From the photos I've seen the army are mainly deploying in riot gear, not for full combat which would suggest they believe the level of loyalty of the Republican Guard to Morsi is limited.


I`ve seen quotes where the army have removed bayonets from rifles (they still have bayonets?)because the people want them there and Islamist`s have started shaving their beards in fear of reprisals.

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C4 among others reporting that Morsi has been ordered from office by the Army and is no longer President. Travel bans in place for the entire leadership of the Ikwan.


Poor chap only wanted to force retarded islamic theocracy on the entire population and they get all mardy bums about it. :(

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Let's assume that to be true (although it equally might not be). He's the President. They elected him. I imagine that you've read its Constitution, in order to substantiate your contention. He remains its President come what may, unless Egyptian law provides otherwise and he is removed according to it- i.e. not by an Army.
Eminently correct, J.


Indeed, that is exactly how Hitler got elected in 1933 and, with an ever-increasing majority, in every subsequent election until the last one, having taken good care to consolidate his position and policies between each.


...Need we go on? Really?

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The USA runs through funding the military, the IMF or Wall Street to those unaware of its association, supply the money, so much for an independent democratic government.


Morsi was backing the overthrow and destruction of Syria, doing what his masters wanted.


So what might be the point??? Why encourage nations destroying themselves, well it is certainly in the interest of Israel, as countries at war with themselves gives them security, even temporarily, so a good policy.


As previously stated "Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination"


Nice idea, something for the plebs to salivate over, but not good for corporate capitalism, where the idea is to milk subservient populations through inventive tax systems, thus pretending to give choice, as is celebrity politics, while the puppets dance to a very different tune to home population.

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That's not true at all, the normal Egyptian muslim is more likely to have voted for the Islamist government.


You've just chosen the set that you prefer and labelled them as 'normal' without much justification. What make the anti-morsi muslims more normal than the pro-morsi muslims?


I meant 'normal', from our Western perspective.

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