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Are Premonitions Real?

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Just watching some excellent episodes of Strange But True on YouTube.


An excellent channel right here has all of them on...




And would like to know if people or civilisations telling the future actually has merit?


Regarding one occasion...


Who would have imagined the Titanic, a ship that could not sink, did just that on her maiden voyage in 1912.


Researchers reckon that if the Titanic had not veered away, and hit the iceberg head on she would have survived any ensuing serious damage, it was veering off that caused the great gash in the side flooding too many compartments.


14 years before the Titanic sinking a book came out, told of the largest ship afloat, rich and famous passengers, a collision with an iceberg, a sinking and not enough lifeboats, the ship was called the Titan :suspect:[/QUOTE]


Quite a good short short about the Titan, and the similarities are unreal; and even more unreal Barnsley won the cup in 1912.


I must admit stuff like this really fascinates me lol

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Oh here we go again . The invasion of the non believers . I am so not getting involved in this one . See ya :love:


Perhaps here I'd make a joke about those who do believe this guff being 'away with the fairies' but I see you already did it for me!

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For every apparently accurate premonition a person makes there will have been dozens upon dozens upon dozens of instances where the 'premonition' revealed itself to be what it actually is: a stab in the dark.


We remember the hits and forget about the misses, just like when a believer looks back on an apparently accurate reading from a 'medium'. Memory, selective interpretation and bias, and the motivation to believe in woo, are powerful things.

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People are easily taken in by what they dont understand. Premonitions are only valid if you know what's coming



Understanding and having an interest in something is different in my eyes, plus the fact that I find anything to do with the titanic interesting.

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