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Unite found guilty of entryism in Falkirk West

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This guy seems to think so. Perhaps they would have been better served by keeping the thug they had.




Falkirk MP Eric Joyce has accused Unite union officials of acting arrogantly and irresponsibly in the row over selection of a Labour candidate in the seat he is vacating.


Mr Joyce, who decided to stand down after being convicted of assault in a Commons bar, tells the Guardian party rules will need to be changed.


Labour has told the police of alleged irregularities in the selection.


Unite - Labour's biggest union backer - has dismissed the claims as nonsense.


According to an internal Labour report, Unite members were being signed up to the local party without their knowledge in a bid to rig the contest.


What gets me most about all this is how the Tories can get away with preaching about vested interests, what an absurd through the looking glass world we live in.

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What gets me most about all this is how the Tories can get away with preaching about vested interests, what an absurd through the looking glass world we live in.


I think everyone pursues vested interest. You vote for the person who will look after your interests. No harm in that. That's what's known as democracy. Stuffing ballot boxes and rigging elections to ensure your man wins isn't.

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"They" have been convicted in a court of law then?


And. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Labour Party formed as the political arm of the trades union movement, to have a place in government to protect and promote the interests of the working man (and woman) against the ravages of capital.

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....but I'm open-minded......


Having read that I will now go and lie down for a day or two.


You may note however that this fiasco started when Eric Joyce attacked a few MPs, including one Labour MP, in the Commons after one barrel too many. At the time your description of Joyce was top bloke or something similar. Perhaps if you'd actually been open-minded at the time you might not be squirming so much now. You defended Joyce for his actions and his actions have led to a potential scandal which may cost Labour a lot of votes. There may be poetic justice in that.

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I've long said that Unite are corrupt. Time after time I've been lambasted by those around me for that opinion. Seems I was right all along.


Which ever way you look at it it is a shameful episode regardless of who is telling it as it is. It is a case of everyone involved being in the wrong.

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It looks like the anti is being raised.




the present political battle in Falkirk will determine whether Labour can win the 2015 general election.


Labour's referral today of its internal report into recruitment irregularities to the police has raised the stakes to the highest level. If convictions were to follow, it would have implications for the future of Len McCluskey, the general secretary of Unite, the UK's largest trade union




Incidentally....McCluskey's salary is £122,000.

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It looks like the anti is being raised.




the present political battle in Falkirk will determine whether Labour can win the 2015 general election.


Labour's referral today of its internal report into recruitment irregularities to the police has raised the stakes to the highest level. If convictions were to follow, it would have implications for the future of Len McCluskey, the general secretary of Unite, the UK's largest trade union




Incidentally....McCluskey's salary is £122,000.


Don't believe a word Joyce says, the bloke is a hypocrite. You said so yourself.

Can't compete with the Labour Party for rif-raf I'm afraid.




Labour MP who branded middle class ‘hypocrites and drunkards’ spends night in a cell after being arrested for drink driving


You really can't beat the Labour Party for hypocracy. I suppose that's where you get it from.

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Really? Have you asked most people?


Maybe he hasn't, but UNITE have.


According to UNITE's own figures, only 37.5% of their members vote Labour. [LINK]




As evidenced by the fact McCluskey won Unite’s leadership having received only 144,570 votes yet claims to have a “two million strong” union. That if true would make Red Len supported by a mere 7.3% of his members.




It's just like the 1970s all over again.

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I'm confused. The Labour Party are so right wing at the moment, are people complaining that Unite has too much influence or too little?


Remember, this is the party that oversaw millionaire bankers walking of with massive pensions after ruining the country...it's just bizarre that some folk still think they are being controlled by trots?




God, I wish and long for the day when the labour party is controlled by someone other than an upper class lackwit capitalist lacky.


Yet you people think he is a socialist in thrall to the unions? Bizarre.


Unite pay him £8m a year, how can e not be in thrall of them?


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 08:56 ----------


The Labour party is in a worse state now than it was under Michael Foot. It looks stronger because the Tories are held back by the Lib Dems.


By 2015 the economy will have recovered sufficiently for the Tories to win conclusively. Then the introduction of true blue policies will get us back on the right road.


Labour, like its union owners is an irrelevance.


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 09:08 ----------




"They" have been convicted in a court of law then?


And. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Labour Party formed as the political arm of the trades union movement, to have a place in government to protect and promote the interests of the working man (and woman) against the ravages of capital.


Yes it was, but then, under Blair and Brown it changed to become a centrist party in an attempt to make it attractive to a majority of voters. This meant it had to abandon its principles. Its formation to protect working men and women in a labour intensive, heavyily industrial world was appropriate and beneficial. The fact that it went on to become corrupt, iinfiltrated by communists and enemies of the state tragic, Blair rescued it for a short time, but it has started to slip back into the arms of left wing loonies and is fast becoming unelectable.

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