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Unite found guilty of entryism in Falkirk West

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Nothing new here............. we all know the Unions pull the strings in the Labour party and the Labour leader ( whoever it may be) is just the mouthpiece of the unions who have their hand up his back making his mouth move.


So if the unons pull the strings of the Labour Party, why do their members get very little from a Labour government? I think the Daily Mail has more influence on the Labour Party than the T.U.s

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Nothing new here............. we all know the Unions pull the strings in the Labour party and the Labour leader ( whoever it may be) is just the mouthpiece of the unions who have their hand up his back making his mouth move.


Bit rich coming from you Desmundo. You like the Tories because they rely on lies, distortion and division.

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Looks like Miliband jumped the gun in order to appear strong, determined and a sop to Daily Mail readers and it's all backfired on him. Prat.


It looks like Jury Miliband said guilty and Judge Miliband passed a sentence before a trial had even taken place. I can't see him getting himself out of this one. He will either have to back down from his proposed reforms or risk losing a lot of income from unions. Either way he is going to look silly. And the Tories will just paint him as someone who can't remain calm and rational and make a sensible decision when faced with a crisis.

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