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I think I'm addicted :(

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to lockets.


I've had cold, flem, snit for that long I've become addicted, I was a 1 packet a day man, now I've got the gag feeling in my throat and chest , I'm trying to cold turkey


Aaaagh. Beware of the liquid gold, man. Once it has you in it's sticky grip, the double action won't let you go and it'll squeeze you like a lemon.

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to lockets.


I've had cold, flem, snit for that long I've become addicted, I was a 1 packet a day man, now I've got the gag feeling in my throat and chest , I'm trying to cold turkey


It seems better to be addicted to lockets (50p a pack, im geussing) then 20 fags a day at about £8 a pack now days.

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It's Ephedrine which is the basic ingredient I believe in Amphetamine. It's what Paddy Kenny got banned from football for and is found in many cold, flu and cough medicine.


Its also what they like to make crystal meth out of.

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