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Abu Qatada to get the bum's rush this weekend?

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So you're happy that it cost £1900 per month in rent and £100,000 per week in police monitoring, this is on top of costs of £1.7Million in legal aid and court cases.

I'd say tax payers money well misspent, I'd love a £1900 pm rented house paid for by the tax payer, maybe you'd like to tell us what he did to get it then all indigenous British people should be able to do the same.


---------- Post added 08-07-2013 at 18:36 ----------



Because JFKvsNixon is happy that these people can come into this country and be treat like royalty.


Its a very small price to pay to protect thousands of innocent people. Unless of course you value money more life.

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I take your point about the reasons as to why he went to Jordan, but I do not believe that Abu Qatada was deported because his asylum application was turned down it was in fact accepted. He was deported because of his actions here in the UK, namely be broke several laws over multiple occasions. His family should be judged by their own actions, if they break the laws that are applicable to deportation boot them out.


We shouldn't have guilt by association.


---------- Post added 08-07-2013 at 18:47 ----------



No, you couldn't be further from the truth, I just wanted our government to act within the law. I am glad he's gone good riddance, I'm even gladder that it was done legally.


Is this concept really too complicated to grasp?



His family should be booted out for not contributing anything to our country for a start .


---------- Post added 08-07-2013 at 18:51 ----------


Its a very small price to pay to protect thousands of innocent people. Unless of course you value money more life.


Banning ALL people of his mindset from even setting foot in this country would be an even smaller price to pay .

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I think this shows that Theresa "and I'm not making this up" May has finally got a grip on a monumentally embarrassing episode for the home office.

Sorry to rain on your parade but he went of his own choice,must have been offered a deal on the qt.This government is pathetic.

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Banning ALL people of his mindset from even setting foot in this country would be an even smaller price to pay .


Indeed it would. Folks should have to adhere to certain standards to obtain assylum. Qatada was just abusing our hospitality and should have been booted out years ago.

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When I immigrated to the United States, I had to sign two 'agreements'.


1. I acknowledged that I was not permitted to be a burden on (claim any benefits from) the Federal Government for a long period (I can't remember how long ... I suppose after 25 or more years, that one might have expired. ;))


They didn't invite me there and they told me (quite clearly) that they weren't prepared to allow me to be a burden on their taxpayers.


They also told me that in the event that I committed a crime I would be deported. There was no 'statute of limitations' on that one.


It was made quite clear to me that if I committed a crime and was deported, it was my fault. the US government did not accept any liability for my criminal behaviour.


If I was deported and my family broke up as a result of my misbehaviour, I wasn't even going to get sympathy.


Is Abu Qatada so stupid he doesn't understand that?


Or is he so arrogant he feels it shouldn't apply to him?


Perhaps it's (long past) time you reviewed (and tidied up) your immigration laws?


If - as has been suggested - Qatada has been running rings around HMG and making them look stupid, perhaps some of the people who work for the government should have their job tenure made subject to review?

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When I immigrated to the United States, I had to sign two 'agreements'.


1. I acknowledged that I was not permitted to be a burden on (claim any benefits from) the Federal Government for a long period (I can't remember how long ... I suppose after 25 or more years, that one might have expired. ;))


They didn't invite me there and they told me (quite clearly) that they weren't prepared to allow me to be a burden on their taxpayers.


They also told me that in the event that I committed a crime I would be deported. There was no 'statute of limitations' on that one.


It was made quite clear to me that if I committed a crime and was deported, it was my fault. the US government did not accept any liability for my criminal behaviour.


If I was deported and my family broke up as a result of my misbehaviour, I wasn't even going to get sympathy.


Is Abu Qatada so stupid he doesn't understand that?


Or is he so arrogant he feels it shouldn't apply to him?


Perhaps it's (long past) time you reviewed (and tidied up) your immigration laws?


If - as has been suggested - Qatada has been running rings around HMG and making them look stupid, perhaps some of the people who work for the government should have their job tenure made subject to review?


I think if you read enough threads on here you will realise that there are a number of folk in the UK who feel that the human rights of a terrorist are more important than the human rights of the 50 million folk who were born here and pay taxes here.

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When I immigrated to the United States, I had to sign two 'agreements'.


1. I acknowledged that I was not permitted to be a burden on (claim any benefits from) the Federal Government for a long period (I can't remember how long ... I suppose after 25 or more years, that one might have expired. ;))


They didn't invite me there and they told me (quite clearly) that they weren't prepared to allow me to be a burden on their taxpayers.


They also told me that in the event that I committed a crime I would be deported. There was no 'statute of limitations' on that one.


It was made quite clear to me that if I committed a crime and was deported, it was my fault. the US government did not accept any liability for my criminal behaviour.


If I was deported and my family broke up as a result of my misbehaviour, I wasn't even going to get sympathy.


Is Abu Qatada so stupid he doesn't understand that?


Or is he so arrogant he feels it shouldn't apply to him?


Perhaps it's (long past) time you reviewed (and tidied up) your immigration laws?


If - as has been suggested - Qatada has been running rings around HMG and making them look stupid, perhaps some of the people who work for the government should have their job tenure made subject to review?


To be fair he hasn't been running rings round the government (current and previous), it's the ECHR which has dragged this whole process out for so long by going down one entire round of appeals based on whether he would be subject to torture and then at the last minute starting the whole process again on whether evidence obtained by or tainted by torture could be admissible.


We'll see what legislation the government come up with around preventing benefits being paid to foreign terror suspects and reducing legal aid, but I do like the sound of the US system of getting foreigners to agree to a contract of behaviour. That way we can either deport them if they breach or deport them if they fail to sign. We'll have to withdraw from the convention but that's inevitable in the long run.


Such a system would both purge foreign islamists and other criminals from Britain without the ludicrous costs involved in this case and make life a lot easier for law abiding immigrants who can be tarred with the same brush.

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Sorry to rain on your parade but he went of his own choice,must have been offered a deal on the qt.This government is pathetic.


When you say this government is pathetic, they are the one's who got rid of him. You mean the previous government was pathetic. Shome Mishtake shurely? :hihi:

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Do you believe children should be punished for the sins of their fathers?
Who said that deporting the family would be 'punishing' them? They'd be happier over there in Jordan, and the UK tax pounds could be spent on something worthwhile, like our own children!


---------- Post added 08-07-2013 at 21:06 ----------


So if your dad was accused of committing a crime whilst on holiday in Spain, and he was extradited to Spain to answer those charges do you believe that your family should also be extradited?????


His family live here because legally that is their right, until they do something that warrants them being kicked out, that right should remain.

It should not be their right! The Quatadas came here to avoid justice, and that is no reason to remain. There is nothing to stop them from being deported back to Jordan, and just because some of the many children may have been born here does not give them the right to remain.


British citizenship should only be bestowed on those who are worthy of it, and the Quatadas are most definitely not!


---------- Post added 08-07-2013 at 21:10 ----------




No, you couldn't be further from the truth, I just wanted our government to act within the law. I am glad he's gone good riddance, I'm even gladder that it was done legally.


Is this concept really too complicated to grasp?

Okaaaay, may be the problem then is the law itself! I too want things to be done according to the law. However, I want the law to be sensible and not to provide safe harbour for evil people. The law should allow them to be dealt with instantly and cheaply.
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It is very fortifying to see so many people who are now coming and saying on forum what the vast majority of the public say, which is we don't want these pariahs here, the people who want them here should be prepared to fund them.

Every £1 spent on these worthless pieces of trash is depriving genuine needy cases of £1.

Hopefully the tide has turned with the majority of people saying enough is enough!

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