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Government ignores advice of Drugs Committee.

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If you disagree with the government ignoring the advice of the committee of experts they commissioned, then sign this petition.




The government are not obliged to follow the medical/scientific advice, they have to consider other aspects, social issues etc.

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I wish they'd ban banning.


Well in this case it's not about banning.


Friend somali can mong himself off his face in his hellhole country and have all his teeth fall out and I couldn't give a damn.


The problem is we're one of a handful of western nations that have not outlawed it. So we are the transhipment hub to both the rest of Europe and the US and Canada. Which means we end up with a load of somali drug traffickers here.


This is not a health issue. It's a somali gangster issue. And I fully support the ban.

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Well put crudely in the manner that those who shout loudly...


A) Somalis and Bangladeshis take it. As we all know those of a darker skin colour than the average EDL rabble parade do Bad Things.


b) Since no True Briton would ever "do" khat it must be a Bad Thing


c) the usual suspects (Daily WMail and the Stun whip up the dribbling masses and politicians decide that Something Must be Done.


It's laws made by tabloid. We need an inquiry by someone to sort the press out. Actually what we really need is a press that acts with integrity and honour.


Must go, I've got airborne pigs going past my window.

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Well put crudely in the manner that those who shout loudly...


A) Somalis and Bangladeshis take it. As we all know those of a darker skin colour than the average EDL rabble parade do Bad Things.


b) Since no True Briton would ever "do" khat it must be a Bad Thing


c) the usual suspects (Daily WMail and the Stun whip up the dribbling masses and politicians decide that Something Must be Done.


It's laws made by tabloid. We need an inquiry by someone to sort the press out. Actually what we really need is a press that acts with integrity and honour.


Must go, I've got airborne pigs going past my window.



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Well put crudely in the manner that those who shout loudly...


A) Somalis and Bangladeshis take it. As we all know those of a darker skin colour than the average EDL rabble parade do Bad Things.


b) Since no True Briton would ever "do" khat it must be a Bad Thing


c) the usual suspects (Daily WMail and the Stun whip up the dribbling masses and politicians decide that Something Must be Done.


It's laws made by tabloid. We need an inquiry by someone to sort the press out. Actually what we really need is a press that acts with integrity and honour.


Must go, I've got airborne pigs going past my window.

Another EDL promoter I see

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