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Happy Independence Day 2013

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Should have kept it,then all the immigrants can keep Britain and we can flee to America,plenty of room.


{Conveniently forgetting that the USA is a country of immigrants...unless you're a Native American}

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{Conveniently forgetting that the USA is a country of immigrants...unless you're a Native American}


They will have had to get there from somewhere else originally; I don't think human life originated from the land we call north America.

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...and founding the most amazing country on the planet


Most Americans could do with studying the intentions of, and philosophies of, the Founding Fathers, which influenced them when they drafted the U.S. Constitution.


For example:


Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin


So no to Dubyah and Backtrack Quobama and their ongoing abolition of civil liberties (rendition anyone?)



"Paper money is liable to be abused, has been, is, and forever will be abused, in every country in which it is permitted." … "Paper is already at a term of abuse in these States, which has never been reached by any other nation, France excepted, whose dreadful catastrophe should be a warning against the instrument which produced it."

Thomas Jefferson


So no to Helicopter Ben and his printing press.


And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.

Thomas Jefferson

That sort of talk in modern America would have him on a no fly list at the very least.


“In politics as in religion, my tenets are few and simple. The leading one of which, and indeed that which embraces most others, is to be honest and just ourselves and to exact it from others, meddling as little as possible in their affairs where our own are not involved."

George Washington


Clearly that kind of thinking was far from uppermost during the illegal invasion of Iraq, founded on fraudulent claims of "weapons of mass destruction" and links to 9/11.


It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”

Benjamin Franklin


Clearly the modern version would read "it is the responsibility of every citizen to shut up and watch American X-Factor whilst drinking beer".

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Most Americans could do with studying the intentions of, and philosophies of, the Founding Fathers, which influenced them when they drafted the U.S. Constitution.


Clearly the modern version would read "it is the responsibility of every citizen to shut up and watch American X-Factor whilst drinking beer".


It's interesting how many parts of the constitution they're willing to give up just for the appearance of more security and safety, but as soon as anyone mentions removing the right to bear arms they're all outcrying about how the constitution is their unalienable rights and they'll kick out any Government who tries to alter it or the rights it gives them.


I've got a feeling that banning guns from the ownership of the general public will do a lot more for their personal safety and security than any giving up the right to have a private conversation will ever do.

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What actually should have happened was that the criminals should have been left in England and the the rest of the population moving to America and Canada


Thanks for the kind words Phanerothyme and to the rest of you embittered, sour old buggers get back to work. It's not a holiday in Sheffo

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Ignore the rather jaundiced views! Today is a day of celebration, and I intend to tip my tricorn and raise a toast to this kind of thinking:


It's a day of celebration if your American, but were English means jack to us; only thing for me it's my late dad's birthday RIP.

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To all our wonderful American posters, congratulations on the 237th anniversary of your throwing off the yoke of colonial oppression and founding the most amazing country on the planet.


"Oh say can you see ... "


Awww thank you Phan! You are so nice, every year you wish us a happy fourth and you never forget. :):wave:


Unfortunately, we are having a really bad heat wave. right now :help:


---------- Post added 04-07-2013 at 19:50 ----------


Us ... we ... them ... US independence was fought for by many people of British origin, those 13 colonies were not only under British governance but were inhabited by many British people ..... and of course many of America's founding fathers were of British stock !


This is exactly right. And too many people forget it.

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