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Happy Independence Day 2013

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Oh, do be fair!


- but it kept enough of the thickest to keep the breed lines running (How else would you find people to appear on the Jeremy Kyle show?)


Doesn't he have a show in the USA?


Apropos nothing in particular, it makes me laugh when politicians over there end their speeches with "God bless America"

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Doesn't he have a show in the USA?


Apropos nothing in particular, it makes me laugh when politicians over there end their speeches with "God bless America"


I have no idea.


Unlike the BBC's: "Goodnight and Good luck!" message?


When I think back to BBCTV in the late 1950s it makes me cringe.


Lady Isobel Barnett, Gilbert Harding and the other 'upper class' TV personages who seemed to treat the audiences as 'little people to be suffered'.:hihi:


Lady Barnett on 'What's my line":


"Is it Blek?"

"Kin yoo eat it?"

"Aie Knaow, Aie Knaow! ...it's a **** "LADY BARNETT!

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Not so sure you'd want to visit us when we're having a heat wave (which finally broke, hallelujah!) Wooh! Only 92 (33.3 celsius today)


But I know you and your family would love California. Lots to see and do. Your kids would love the beach! I've been trying to get BoroughGal to visit for years. But then, she's been trying to get me to come to Sheffield for just as long! :hihi:


It's nice and cool here at the moment too, a sunny 26 c (pushing 80f) you'd like it I think! Glad to hear that the temperatures are getting a bit more sensible.


There are lots of things I want to see and do in the US, far too many for one trip, but Northern California has a lot of attractions in one place; not least camping & hiking plus family to visit in Monterey. So when we do go, we'll all be in your neck of the woods! Look out!

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We went on a family holiday in Northern California one year, one of the best holidays ever. We hired a car and moved from place to place not following any big plan, just having a few destinations we fancied and picking up hotels or short term rentals for a few days. We Started in San Francisco, then Santa Cruz and the Redwood forests, Monterey, Big Sur, Lake Tahoe, Bodie and eventually back to SF.


I'd taken some persuading as my only other experience of the States had been working oil rigs in Texas and Louisiana, both horrible places in my estimation.

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You didnt mention Southern Fried Chicken. Where did that come from? Some old tyke running a greasy spoon cafe in Southern Yorkshire who claimed he was once an army colonel? :hihi: :hihi: How many KFCs in the UK?


I thought the Southern Fried Chicken was a creation by the black people in the South, who did and I'm sure still do get a rough ride


Fact is it takes Americans to adopt anyone else's idea and make a big improvement on it


Not saying that Americans have not improved recipes, but seriously what do you need such big helpings of everything for, eat in moderation you lot do seem to be unable to grasp that concept. Perhaps that is why you are such a nation of lard arses, and yes so are we now as these things eventually catch on over here


You didnt come of age in Britain in the 1950s obviously. There were plenty of chippy outlets but not much else in provincial cities. You had to go to London and visit Soho to find any choice. Thank entry into the European Union for showing you lot the culinary light of day :hihi:


Glad you laughed at the end there fella, worst days work we ever did joining them pillocks, lets face it surely you lot have copied fish and chips at some point.


One thing you'll NEVER produce as well as us, beer not the stuff that you lot sell, I'm talking real ale & such. In all honesty I doff my hat to such as you & Buck, for taking your lives by the scruff of the neck so to speak and getting a new life in a different country.


I could never have done it in my youth, but I had no real desire to do so but it seems to have worked out okay for you 2. Oh and I do love Harley Davidson bikes, but also Triumph & Norton & such well most big bikes.:)

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[/b] lets face it surely you lot have copied fish and chips at some point.


One thing you'll NEVER produce as well as us, beer not the stuff that you lot sell, I'm talking real ale & such.


Well, there is Long John Silver's, which is horrible.


Most (good) restaurants I've seen call it English fish n chips or Scottish fish n chips, and lots of places serve pub food as well. This was one of my favorite treats as a child, it's hard to get the same deep fried results at home. The same with pizza cooked in commercial ovens.


The one food I don't understand is mushy peas. What is that all about?


Crappy American beer is probably why I've never developed a taste for beer. Just as well, I don't need the calories.


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 21:50 ----------


Hold on is that the WHOLE world, or the American world; like their World Series of baseball :hihi::hihi:


Why does everyone make such a big deal about this? It's one of our idiosyncracies and who cares?

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Glad you laughed at the end there fella, worst days work we ever did joining them pillocks, lets face it surely you lot have copied fish and chips at some point.


One thing you'll NEVER produce as well as us, beer not the stuff that you lot sell, I'm talking real ale & such. In all honesty I doff my hat to such as you & Buck, for taking your lives by the scruff of the neck so to speak and getting a new life in a different country.


I could never have done it in my youth, but I had no real desire to do so but it seems to have worked out okay for you 2. Oh and I do love Harley Davidson bikes, but also Triumph & Norton & such well most big bikes.:)


I've yet to see a British or for that matter any Euro expat who hasnt done pretty well for him/herself. Those who cant hack it or have problems adapting go back home.


Americans generally complain that English beer is served warm meaning room temperature but you cant serve British beer ice cold anymore than you can serve American beer that isn't cold. Both would tase like bilge water if you did


I've been biking since the late 50s. I sowed my wild oats on a Norton and a Triumph back then. A Harley is a good solid comfortable bike for survivors like me. I dont have anything to prove having narrowly missed death and serious injury twice over the years


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 21:47 ----------


It's nice and cool here at the moment too, a sunny 26 c (pushing 80f) you'd like it I think! Glad to hear that the temperatures are getting a bit more sensible.


There are lots of things I want to see and do in the US, far too many for one trip, but Northern California has a lot of attractions in one place; not least camping & hiking plus family to visit in Monterey. So when we do go, we'll all be in your neck of the woods! Look out!


If you decide to visit California do it between October and end May. Southern California gets hot between then. How does 35 Centigrade on many days grab you? That's what it's read on the thermometer in my back yard on average. At night though it cools down a lot and you dont get the humidity either. It's a dry desert kind of heat except when they get thunderstorms up in the mountains and then the humidity descends several thousand feet to lower levels. We dont get any rain down here from May to October


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 21:54 ----------


I have no idea.


Unlike the BBC's: "Goodnight and Good luck!" message?


When I think back to BBCTV in the late 1950s it makes me cringe.


Lady Isobel Barnett, Gilbert Harding and the other 'upper class' TV personages who seemed to treat the audiences as 'little people to be suffered'.:hihi:


Lady Barnett on 'What's my line":


"Is it Blek?"

"Kin yoo eat it?"

"Aie Knaow, Aie Knaow! ...it's a **** "LADY BARNETT!


I remember "what's my line" Lady Barnett wearing evening gown and jewelry?

Who wears gowns and jewelry on a quizz show? Only in England :hihi: :hihi:


Old grumpy Gilbert Harding snapping at the contestants. I mean some grumpy old people can be funny but Harding was about as funny as an outbreak of typhoid fever

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Hold on is that the WHOLE world, or the American world; like their World Series of baseball :hihi::hihi:


The World Series was so called because of the newspaper that sponsored it, not because teams from all over the world took part.

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