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The link between cancer and eating meat

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Even the link itself says it may not be meat itself that causes cancer but the fact that meat eaters eat less plant-based food. Or it may be the processing rather than the meat itself.


Also, it isn't "meat", it is "red meat".


Anyway, your contention that it is Jeremy Hunts job is erroneous on a very basic level, since he is not responsible for public health.

RED meat is full of poisons, our intestines are longer than proper carnivores, they have shorter ones which get the poisons out quicker


Incorrect, there is a link between cancer and excessive red meat intake, which is a completely different thing to what your preaching.


I can find some cancers where the risk is higher if you eat meat, and some which are higher for people that don't eat meat. Best thing you can do is eat both in moderation, as we are designed to do, instead of starving your body of important nutrients

theres no nutrients in meat you cant get in alternative ways, even B12 which is normally missing can be got from my mate marmite ;)

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RED meat is full of poisons, our intestines are longer than proper carnivores, they have shorter ones which get the poisons out quicker



theres no nutrients in meat you cant get in alternative ways, even B12 which is normally missing can be got from my mate marmite ;)


B12 is added to Marmite, soymilk and many other Veg options. I think if people can not consume one group of food in reasonable quantities they are never going to be able to live healthily on a vegetarian diet, like any diet it’s not automatically healthier, you have to work at it, consume a wide verity of foods, do a lot of research and in the end you can still die young.

The problem is people look at food as black - or - white issue. Nothing is only good for you or only bad for you.

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Frightening that the link says, 10% of bowel cancer cases could be prevented by reducing meat intake:




90% (random figure plucked out of my head) of lung cancer cases could be prevented if people stopped smoking.


What's your point?


Why worry, you're going to die one day anyway. There's people who lived long and happy lives and eaten crap their entire lives and people that've died young and been fit and healthy.

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