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Venables to be released again

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".....Venables was released in 2001 but jailed again in 2010 after admitting downloading and distributing indecent images of children.




One of James Bulger's killers, Jon Venables, should be released from prison, the parole board has said.


I wonder for how long he will keep his nose clean, this time? ...and at what expense?

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One will have to hope that the parole board have given due consideration to all the risks and be satisfied with the measures in place to counter them.


I'm not overly optimistic, but you never know.

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The expense is irrelevant. If he's served his time and the parole board think he's no longer a danger then he should be released. He obviously though has psychological problems and if he's not a danger to others he'll be a danger to himself. I read on the Telegraph site today that before he went back inside he was telling friends his real identity and had gone back to Liverpool, breaching his bail conditions. He's a nutcase who'll be lucky to stay alive and out of jail for much longer.

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He should be released with his real name and the crimes he was responsible for tatooed on his forehead and cheeks.


Correct............. but sadly the Do Gooders who hold sway in this country will continue to demand he is protected and his real identity kept secret. This is wrong on every level. In this country if you work hard and keep your nose clean you get squeezed for every penny by the government ,but if you commit vile acts like these two have you get fortunes spent protecting you for the rest of your life.


Me , im with you . Id take away his protected identity and make him live under his real name with his photo plastered on every billboard in the country .

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I think someone will end up getting to him and killing him. He doesn't seem to be that bothered about revealing his identity, and what with Twitter etc, I don't see how his name and location won't get out there again.
No he won't be bothered about his identity because he's a very disturbed individual with a damaged history and I too have my doubts that he will ever be properly rehabilitated.



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